Chapter 4- I Hate That School.

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I haven't been to school all week, my dad works on the slope so he's gone every 2 weeks so he's no home to much anymore.
I was down stairs smoking with Haylee this morning and out of the blue my phone rang from a unknown number.
"Umm Hello?" I answer.
"Hello Mari? It's you're English teacher Mr. Stevens, I was calling to see if everything is okay you haven't been to school since Monday."
"Oh umm yea everything is fine I just haven't been feeling to good. But I should be back Monday." I said unsurely.
"Okay feel better over the weekend see you Monday Morning." I hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" Haylee asked.
"Why the fuck is my first hour teacher calling my cell phone?" I've never had a teacher call my phone before, that was weird.
"Oh my teachers used to do that at chugiak when I didn't show up." Haylee explained.
"Well thats just weird." I continued to smoke the rest of the joint.
"You wanna share a smoke?" I asked Haylee.
We got up and went to the garage to smoke a cig it was half painted blue because me and Haylee never finished it. But it didn't look half bad with all the trash that built up to distract you from the walls.
My life at this point consist of drinking, smoking, and bring around my family. I haven't made any friends around here yet. It's all snowy and cold out to be wondering around making friends. I just kept thinking to myself things will be better this summer I'll have friends, I'll be out having fun being a average 16 year old.
After I finished smoking I put it out and went to my some what unpacked room and watched Shameless for the rest of the day.

*For anyone who hasn't seen Shameless (US) you're missing out on a kick ass show I highly recommend it*

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