Chapter 1- The night before the move

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After moving back to my home town 4 years ago I've lived in this house and making so many memories it's time to pack up and move... again...
Hi, I'm Mari I'm a normal 15 year old who lives Alaska an I'm turning 16 in 2 days! And unlike most girls who plan a sweet 16 I've been packing up my room, the only room I've lived in for longer than a year. The only good part about it was my best friend Stacy was "helping" me. An by helping I mean drinking mikes hard lemonade reminiscing all the fun we had in this room.
It felt like just the other day I called Stacy and told her to run down the road to look at my new house, 4 years ago Stacy had bright blue hair boy she had a different kind of personality. She did the banana dance in the middle of my room thats my first memory I have being in this house...
It's sad that I'm leaving even if it is 15 minutes away. I'm moving to Eagle River its a small town 15 minute drive out of anchorage and that might not seem like a long drive but, i don't have a license so, it's going to be hard seeing Stacy.
"Let's go see if Haylee's still awake, maybe she has more mikes." Stacy's says breaking the awkward silence. "You know since we spilt most of our all over the room." She continued.
"Of course she's awake she's probably finishing the upstairs."
Haylee's my brothers girlfriend they have a 3 year old together my nephew Easton.
We zip up the stairs to see Haylee sitting on the couch "Your brothers a ass." She greeted us.
"Haha tell me something I don't know." I replied.
"I find it bullshit how I can't leave the house without him blowing my phone up or accusing me of cheating. But! When he leaves he can't even send a simple text back." Haylee ranted.
Stacy walked out of the kitchen holding two mikes an hands one to me as she flopped onto the twin bed that was in the living room.
"Kyle's probably off with that bitch Taylor." Haylee said.
Taylor is the girl Kyle got pregnant at a party one night when Haylee and him where on a break.
"Fuck him. Honestly you deserve way better. Shit that's coming from his sister." I mumbled.
I don't agree with most of Kyle's choices that he makes. He's someone who thinks he's a boss but in reality... he's crazy. I love my brother don't get me wrong but we aren't the siblings to have a close bond. We smoke together and that's about it..
Stacy at this point looked like she was about to pass out.
"Stacy why don't you go lay down, downstairs I'll be down after I smoke a cigarette."
She got up and stumbled down the stairs to my room but then you hear a really loud scream "MARI YOUR FUCKING SNAKES GONE!" Stacy cried.
I have a snake named blaze and he likes to get out. "You're kidding!" I yelled.
I ran down the stairs in a panic because my door was open when we left the room. I looked everywhere which wasn't hard considering my room was all boxed up and stacked in the corner. Stacy is scared shitless of snakes so she went back upstairs. I finally found Blaze under my dresser curled up, I put him back in his cage and put a block on top so he couldn't get out.
"You're safe Stacy!" I laughed.
"It's not funny! I just wanna go to sleep without having to worry about a snake slithering up my leg." She walked back down the stair again.
"It's kinda funny how scared you get." I said playfully.
"Fuck you Mari I'm going to bed." She said as she curled up into a ball and fell asleep.
"Goodnight." I turned off the light.

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