Chapter 2- My Birthday

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-Today at school-
I made sure I was at school on my birthday so I didn't have to spend it at a random school where I don't know anyone. I was dressed up all cute standing outside during lunch waiting for Tiffany to come out to smoke but Devan was the first one outside.
"Hey Mari, Happy birthday!" I didn't even think he knew it was my birthday.
"Thank you! It's would be so much better if it wasn't my last day as well." I said kinda bummed
"Damn it's really you're last day?" He asked.
"Yea sadly. I'm going to miss it here." My heart raced.
"Yea it's going to be weird not see you here in the mornings an at lunch."
Okay I don't know if he's flirting or not..
"You have a pipe?" He asked me.
"Of course when don't I? Haha I just gotta find it." I started digging around in my purse looking for my pipe case.
But by the time I found it Devan's friends Jared and Mark and everyone else where outside looking for someone to smoke with.
"Found it." I handed the pipe to Devan.
"Oh I see you're loading me a bowl to smoke." Mark said to Devan while he was loading the pipe.
"Actually this bowl goes to the birthday girl Mis. Mari." He said handing me the pipe.
When Devan said it was my birthday everyone started saying happy birthday to me. It was kinda weird because I wasn't used to getting this much attention at school...
"Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes." I said to the group.
Lunch was almost over and me an Devan where the last ones to start walking back.
"Hey can I get a drag off that?" I asked walking behind his path.
"Are you sure it's menthol." We stopped in the snow.
"I honestly don't care right now." I laughed an took the cig.
Devan started to smile at me which made me blush.
"You have really pretty eyes." He broke the silence.
"Thank you." I smiled and gave him back his cigarette.
"I'mma go inside it's cold." I said and rushed off because I didn't know what else to say.
School went by really fast after that. Not a lot happen just a lot of birthday wishes.

-Later at the new house-

Stacy, Tiffany, Alex, Monica and Trish are coming over for the night and all I have planned its movies and root beer floats. Plus some weed for a few smoke sessions... It's not a big party but I'm fine with spending my birthday with some chill people.
Stacy was the first one of course. She helped me set up my room a little more before everyone gets dropped off. Monica was next to show, She's 6 months pregnant with a baby girl. I'm so happy for her.
"Happy birthday Mari!" She greeted me.
"Thank you!" I gave her a hug and showed her to my room.
"Stacy this is Monica." I introduced them to each other.
"Hi, nice to meet you." Stacy said as she put the last box in my closet to get it out of the way.
"You as well." She replied.
I heard a knock on the door "I'm gunna go answer that."
I ran to the door way an Tiffany must have got a ride with Trish because they both where at the door.
As I opened the door Tiffany rushed an gave me a hug "Happy muthafuckin birthday bitch!"
Trish laughed "Happy birthday Mari! I got you this." She reached in her bag and pulled out a bag of weed.
"Haha nice! Now we have more for tonight." I said as we walked to the room.
"Well now we're just waiting on Alex to show up." I said walking into my room.
"He just texted you and said he was gunna be here in 5." Stacy answer.
"Sweet! Then we can start smoking." Tiffany laughed.
Me and Tif go way back like 2nd grade back haha. But back then we never talked... I personally thought she was a little weird back then but she grew up into a hella chill person. Trish and Alex I met during the school year, we meet at the school smoke spot. Alex would always flirt with me before class it was cute but for the longest time I kept thinking his name was Chris I have no clue why but he looked like a Chris to me.
Trish was the first one to hear the door bell "I'll get it!" She's always had a thing for him.
"So Mari you excited to start your new school?" Tiffany asked.
"Nah not really, the only reason I chose Chugiak was because Haylee went."
"Happy birthday Mari!" Alex busted through the door giving me a hug.
"Haha thank you Alex!" I hugged back.
"Nice house. It looks really fancy." He joked.
"Because I'm that fancy extra kinda bitch." I Laughed.
"You're funny. I got you something." He reached in his jacket and pulled out a long box.
"Oooh what is it?" I smiled.
"A vape pen for dabs." He spoiled the surprise.
"This is so dope! I can't wait to try it." I put it on my desk and picked up my bong.
"Time to smoke?" Tiffany asked.
"Yes, Tif time to smoke."
Trish loaded the bong and started rotation..

-Couple hours later-

We're half way through the 2nd movie and everyone starting to fall asleep. We're all in the living in room since it had the bigger tv I got up and went to the room to see Stacy passed out on my bed.
I pushed her over and went to sleep.
Happy Birthday To Me.

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