Chapter 3- The New Girl

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*Beep-Beeep-Beeeep* My alarm goes off at 6 in the morning.
Ugh it sucks waking up 45 mins earlier that you're used to. But that's what time I have to wake up if I want to make it to the bus on time.
I fell out of bed and onto the floor in front of the mirror to do my make up. Nothing bold just some eyeliner and mascara, after I finished that I brushed my bed head hair to make it look some what nice... Who could go wrong with a messy bun? I finally got up and dragged my feet across the floor to the closet to pick out a outfit. By the time I got dressed it was 6:45 I had 5 minutes to get to the bus stop. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the bus stop.
When I got there no one was around besides the guy who just started his truck I'm guessing for work.
The bus ride took about 10 minutes to pick everyone else up an 15 more minutes to get to the school from my neighborhood.
We got to the school and I was the first one off that awkward box on wheels. An of course I didn't know where the office was I finally asked someone and they pointed me the way.
"Hi, I'm Mari I'm here for my schedule." I explained when I confronted the lady at the front office.
"One second." She got up from her chair with a little attitude.
"Gallagher?" She asked.
"That's me." I awkwardly smiled.
"Here's your classes, follow me for ur student ID."
I followed her to the corner of the room where they had a station set up for student ID's "Stand Here."
I did as told an she took my photo and of course my school ID would look  AWFUL! I took it and left, I didn't feel welcomed anyway. I checked my schedule:
1st hour- English 11 - Mr. Steven
2nd hour- World History 11- Ms. Ochs
3rd hour- Physical Education- Coach Huffer
4th hour- Math - Mrs. Heart
5th hour- Science- Ms. James
6th hour- Art- Ms. Pam
I wondered around the halls until I came across a familiar laugh... I turned to peek into the room "Mr. Wartman?" I asked.
He stopped talking and turned around. "It's Mari. You where my 6th grade counselor."
"Of course Mari how could I forget about walking into the lunch room and over hearing the conversations you and Stacy you have." He joked.
Me and Stacy would have some extremely weird conversations during lunch.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked.
"Well we just moved because we needed a bigger house after my brother, his girlfriend and my nephew moved in." I Explained.
"I see."
I was basically killing time so I didn't have too go to class. We talked about some old teachers and how they where doing.. kinda weird considering the fact he was my old counselor. Next I knew it was time for 3rd hour.
"I have to get to a meeting Mari it was nice catching up." Mr. Wartman said as we walked out of the office.
I found my way to the gym and walked up to a group of teachers and the first one to noticed me asked for my schedule so I gave it to him.
"You're in my class." Huffer said. "You came from Muldoon? Do you know my brother?" He continued.
"You're brothers?! Oh my gosh yes I know your brother, he suspended me my freshman year." I confessed.
'That's good to know." He looked at me like I was trouble.
I walked away and into the gym an up to this girl sitting at the table.
"Hi, I'm Mari I'm new here." I said.
She didn't do anything like she didn't hear me.
"Okay, so you don't want to talk thats cool." I sat on the floor against the wall and just watched everyone participating in the class.
After that class I was basically done with today. I just wanted to go home and smoke. So during lunch I called Haylee to come pick me up.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Yo, come get me I have the biggest headache and I don't wanna deal with this bull shit." I cried.
"It's only half way through the day!" She said.
"Yea and?" I waited for a reply.
"Fine meet me out by the tunnels I'll pick you up there." She gave in.
"Sweet thanks you're the best!" I hung-up and made my way to the tunnels.
15 minutes went by and at this point I needed a fucking cigarette I have been standing in the snow for the last 20 minutes. This way by far the worst first days I've ever had.
I look up to see Haylee's Tahoe Turing the corner.
"Finally give me a cig." I hopped into the car.
"What got you into a mood?" Haylee gave me the cigarette.
"I'm just done with today I wanna go home and sleep." I explained taking a drag.
"Spark this." She passes me a joint.
"Hold up." I pulled my lighter back out and sparked the joint so I had a cig in my right hand and a joint in my left. My day just got a little better. But I'm still ready for a nap.
We got home and I went straight to my room and to bed.

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