The Fateful Meeting

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Authors Note (PLEASE READ)

This chapter contains MINOR sun and moon spoilers. If you're sensative about spoilers, I suggest you skip this chapter, and go to the next chapters. Don't worry, the next chapters do not contain spoilers for sun and moon. So you can read those ones. Okay that's all.

Just like any other normal day, I trained my Pokémons to become the first ever champion in Alola. I was extra motivated to achieve my goal since I was about to be the first champion.While I was in Melemele Island I casually walked around to catch some Pokémon. In the process, I also got challenged by several different trainers who were also planning on becoming champion.
I managed to defeat every trainer who challenged me to a battle.
After I won against two twins in a double battle, I saw Hau. He was with a blonde hair boy with green eyes. The boy also wore a black hoodie, black pants, and red shoes. He seemed rather intresting. 
However, I lost my inrests in him when he started to say rather rude things to my best friend Hau.
"Aww man! I lost again." Hau said rather happily as he put his hands behind his head.
"Tch. Are you even taking this seriously?" The blonde boy spouted.
"Yes, I'm taking this very seriously! So seriously, I'm enjoying it!"

"... enjoying it? It's okay to enjoy Pokémon battles when you're putting everything you have into it. Which clearly, you haven't."
I felt bad for Hau. I don't think he even gets that the blonde boy was insulting him. 
Hau turned around and noticed me. His face went from happy, to shocked and scared. 
"Hey (F/N)! This guy is plenny scary!" Hau screeched.
"Oh... so you're (F/N)?" The blonde asked.
"Uh... who?" I asked.
"Hmm..." The blonde put his hand on his chin. "You have enough sense to be wary. I am Gladion. I battle to train for my parter Null. Although, the small jobs we do for Team Skull slows us down. Battle me! I won't take no as an answer." The boy I now know as 'Gladion' demanded.
I accepted Gladion's challenge. Not because he was demanding me to, but because he was a Team Skull memeber. I had to take down everyone who is a memeber of Team Skull. Because they are evil.
Gladion sent out a Zubat. I sent out my Pikachu since it had a type advantage. 

"Thundershock, once more Pikachu!" I commanded.
Pikachu used thundershock and Zubat fainted. Gladion put Zubat back into it's Pokeball. Pikachu took down Zubat rather easily. It was probably due to the type advantage though.
"Now the real battle will begin!" Gladion said. He threw a Poke ball. What came out was a Pokémon I have never seen before. I was completely clueless about this Pokémon. 
What type was it?
How did Gladion get a Pokémon like this?
Why was it's design... so unique?
Too many unanswered questions.
I set aside my curiosity and focused on the task at hand. My goal was to defeat Gladion and his Pokémon. This was probably the Pokémon "Null" was talking about before our battle when he was introducing himself to me.
"Okay Pikachu. Let's do this!" I said. "Use thunder wave!" 
Pikachu used thunder wave and Type: Null was paralysised. However, the paralysis didn't stop it from using a devastating tackle on Pikachu.
"Pika!" Pikachu whailed.
"Pikachu, hang in there and use Thundershock!" I said.
Pikachu used thundershock. But it didn't do much damage. 
"Use tackle!" Gladion ordered.
Thankfully, Pikachu knew thunderwave. Because the paralysis stopped Null from using tackle. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. 
"Okay Pikachu, switch out!" I said as I called out Brionne. (A/N: If you chose a different starter feel free to change this up!) 
"Use water gun!" I commanded.
Null was hit with water gun. It's HP was slowly but surely going down.
"Tackle!" Gladion yelled.
Brionne dodged the attack. I was so proud of my little Brionne! This was diffinetly the most challenging battle I've had so far. Pressure... I diffinetly felt a lot of it in this battle.
Just what would've happen if I lost. Sure, Gladion was the one who forced me into this battle. Still though, I cannot lose this battle. He said some rude things to Hau. Which, he was completely blind to.
The next tackle Null used landed on Brionne. But all Brionne needed was one more Water gun and we'll be the victors of this match!
"Brionne! Use water gun!" I yelled.
Brionne used water gun and landed on type:null, and it fainted. I smiled ear to ear. I was glad we won. 
Gladion put Type:Null back into its Pokeball. "Ugh! How annoying! It's not like me to slip up like that!" 
Suddenly, I saw two team skull grunts walking towards me, Hau, and Gladion.
"Awe look at you Gladion." A girl grunt said.
"For a homeless kid, you sure are spinless. But don't worry, we got your back!" A boy grunt said.
"Don't bother." Gladion said.
"What?" The boy grunt said.
"You know you can't beat me. Those are good Pokémon. Don't get your Pokémon hurt for no reason." Gladion.
"So we came all this way for what? A big fat waste of time?!" The girl grunt said.
"If it weren't for you, we would've stole the totem Pokémon!" The boy grunt said.
"Alright. Let's get out of here." The girl grunt said as she walked away from all of us.
"Listen up well Gladion. The boss likes ya. That's for sure. But your not really a Team Skull memeber. And you never will be either. Your just a hired member for when we need you. Got it?!" 
The grunts words were harsh. It wasn't a secret that they seemed to hurt Gladion. Which I can't blame him for feeling down about it. 
"Whew! I'm glad that's over with! Thanks a bunch (F/N)! And Brionne too!" Hau said cheerfully.
That boy never seems to not frown. I bet he won't ever either. Even if his life depended on it.
"Hey, you're going to challenged the trail captain right?" Hau asked.
"Of course I am."
"Awesome! There's a trail coming up. So make sure you're prepared! Oh, you should take these." Hau handed me three revives. I happily accepted his little present.
"Thanks Hau!" 
"Anytime (F/N)!" 
With that, Hau ran off. Leaving me behind. I actually wanted him to stay with me for a bit so we can talk... about Gladion. But knowing Hau, he won't be a very reliable resource. 
No offense Hau! 

I really wanted to see him again. I felt bad for the poor blonde boy... 
Why was I even expirencing all of these mixed emotions for? 

I do NOT own the plot of this chapter! 
All rights go to GameFreak.
I also do not own Pokémon. Credit goes to Nintendo.
But Gladion belongs to you though. 😶

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