Reader X Doflamingo "Run Demon Run"

Start from the beginning

Oh now just wait, this bloody bloody blood show was just getting started now that you took ahold of the reins!


Wow, she was absolutely beautiful.

Doflamingo has never felt this awestruck in his life, it was like the devil has stolen his breath away, which concerning the situation might not be that exaggerative.

Never has he seen such a dark and morbid beauty, nor such a sinful smile with sinister intent, it was so freezing cold, it sent shivers down his back feeling the sheer animosity that was behind that fearful domestic coat, for once in his life, the blonde felt like he was inferior compared to this evil beauty that just a moment ago disgusted him.

She was a real demon, a perfect fit for a fallen holy god such as himself, she really did complete him entirely, and just maybe, he could bring a tad of warmth into those chilling eyes, the only question now, was how was he going to convince that scaredy cat of a beauty to stay put?


Once you flew past the highest building in the entire city and landed right on the tip of the lighting rod, you looked down once again to see the worthless trash cling onto your arm with a very frightened expression on his face, he looked as if he saw death itself, looking it right into its black cavernous gaze.

But no, he wasn't, not just yet.

With a deep demonic chuckle, you tuned out the useless noise around you when he stared pleadingly into your eyes and weakly begged for mercy, but you only grinned before weakening your grip and letting go completely, with a shriek of terror he plummeted down towards the town as you madly laughed sadistically at the sight.

You stopped flapping your wings as you willingly fell off the beam to follow him in the drop and smirked as the people below started to panic and scream at the sight in realization.

Giving him a giddy and almost innocent wave as you passed him in the drop, you gracefully opened your wings at the last moment and landed on a nearby traffic sign before you looked up to watch him splatter onto the street like a paintball.

Just when he was about to hit the ground and your vengeful cravings would be complete, you noticed something large and pink fly behind you, so you turned around by reflex.

The sound of a high inducing 'splat' met your sharpened ears as the people in the streets and close buildings shrieked in horror, and you could tell some even lost their lunches from the feint smell of bile in the air, dang it! You missed it! But the guy in front of you seemed much more important at the moment.

He towered above you with a hair raising and heart pumping unnatural cheshire grin that shook your soul into the coldest fear you have ever felt in a long time, and you grimaced as he hunched over to examine you closer from under his creepy, multicolored shades.

The guy freaked you out despite the weak tingly feeling in your chest, the feeling was almost felt like a carnivorous butterfly was trapped in your throat and was trying to rip itself out, not liking the heavy atmosphere settling around him, you were about to make a quick retreat when suddenly, you couldn't feel yourself move, not even an inch.

It was like you were frozen in place, but you definitely knew it wasn't the fear pulsing through your veins, when it came to the three F's, fight, flight or freeze, you never once froze at the face of danger, so what's going on?! This isn't good!

You were about to lose your mind and freak-out like a cornered animal until he gently leaned forward and caressed your sensitive left horn with his giant and surprisingly gentle hand, "hello my beautiful monster, I'm Doflamingo" what now? in the fucking mob boss and infamous king of the underground?! The crazy knife wielding killer?! Ohh shit, oh shit your worst nightmare actually came to life!

It was like whatever was holding you down finally broke apart and snapped like a dry twig from your sudden fear, because as soon as you felt the tight grip around you disappear, you bolted right out of there in the opposite direction.

"Oh fuck! All you crappy trash bags get outta my way! I'll freaking char all ya'll asses and dance on whatever the fuck remains!" Your loud, boisterous threats frightened the large amount of people as you leaped into the crowd and let your wings and horns dissolve into the breeze to blend in with the now scattering mass of hysteric citizens.


Doflamingo cussed when she fled into the streets like a spooked lamb at his name, maybe he should have tried a different approach, but instead of getting contact with Diamante, Trebol and Pica like he normally would have done, the weakening feeling of her swiftly getting out of his reach made him feel rushed, and instead he bolted after her in the broad of day.

Several people screamed at the sight of him gliding overhead and began to call for the authorities, just fucking great, but catching her was his first and only priority.

Feeling his chest tighten up in angst, he desperately swung his head around and scanned the whole crowd for a mere sight of her beautiful luscious (H/C) locks, his mind immediately went into overdrive when he didn't get anything, she didn't already get out of there?

Just when he was about to lose his shit and vent his anger onto the squirming crowd of innocents, he froze when he suddenly caught sight of her unmistakable dress.

Feeling a restless and starving beast roar from underneath his human skin, Doflamingo didn't even blink, his face became monotone before having a sudden burst of speed, he finally went into pursuit, but not as himself, but as the selfish beast he really was, chasing after the last thing he was missing.


"Holy cow!" Anime tears began to pour down your cheeks and soak the sidewalks and roads you ran across as you continued to flee using the 'dabba dabba' technique, the madman has been chasing you for three straight hours, what the hell did he want from you already!?

You dared to take a glance behind and slightly sped up seeing him still gliding towards you not only a few feet away, he was starting to catch up, and him destroying all of the buildings you phased though didn't help to slow him down at all.

As you looked around you, seeing what condition the city was now under you couldn't help but compare the town to an apocalypse area, trees were cut into blocks all over the place, buildings were sliced like bread, even vehicles and boulders weren't spared from all of this chaos, half of the town was in literal pieces.

This was all over the news, or at least the soulmate channel that is..wait what!?

Having a double take at the screen, you became as white as a sheet seeing you being chased down by that feathery serial killer with bold letters written into the text, 'DOFLAMINGO STILL PURSUING HIS SOULMATE' you were that psycho's soulmate?! Fuck that shit! He'll fucking straight up murder your ass!

Oh god, was he planning on- you suddenly slipped on rubble with a sharp gasp of shock and mortification, and landed right into his awaiting arms with a soft thud, and you stiffened in terror as he gripped onto you bridal style.

Feeling fear and warmth flood all of your senses like an alcoholic buzz, you looked up and felt dizzy seeing his triumphant grin of victory, and not being able to take all of the thunderous emotions inside of you, without uttering a word you immediately fainted in his arms, wondering what the heck he was planning on doing to you.


Doflamingo possessively clutched onto the troublesome demon in his arms and felt like slicing up everything and anyone who dared try to ruin the moment, in his arms was going to be his ultimate treasure, the one thing to take a place in his heart, what he had in his arms...

Was his cherished soulmate.

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