A Grand Celestial Power?

Start from the beginning

When Levy and Gajeel left for the library I ran up to the infirmary to check on Lucy. I was really worried about what was happening to her. I went to the infirmary and saw Wendy and Porylusica by Lucy's bed near the window. The sunrise was now coming up over the tree line giving the room a soft glow and gave Lucy a golden look. "Is she going to be ok?" I asked quietly. Porlyusica sighed, "unless I know more about what is happening to her I can only treat her bruises and scrapes." "Did Loke explain anything?" "He had to return after he brought her in. His magic was getting low," Wendy added. "Natsu is there anything you know?" Porlyusica questioned me. "Her father just told Gramps and me she has the magical power to become the Celestial Dragon Slayer." Wendy looked at me with large shocked eyes. "He said that Lucy's mother seal some of her magic so she could live a happy life since her mother knew she was dying and wouldn't be able to teach Lucy about her magic." "So it seems she has broken the seal to that magic. I know a lot about sealing away magic, but since this is celestial magic and dragon, celestial magic at that I don't think traditional methods are going to work here." "Wendy and Gajeel went up to the library to try and find any information they could on the Celestial Dragon." Right after I finished Levy and Gajeel come racing into the infirmary. 'It's amazing how quickly Levy fit right in with all of us here,' I thought. "Porlyusica, Shrimp here found some information that might help you." "Bring it here child." Levy went over to Porlyusica and showed her the passage in the book she was holding. A few moments after Porlyusica read from the book she started to scratch her chin. "What is it? Will she be ok?" I ask her quickly. She dropped her hand from her chin and said, "she needs the Celestial King to help her."

I raced down the stairs and over to Mr. Heartfilia, who was sitting with the master. More mages had returned and Mira, Erza and Juvia were tending to those who had been injured. "Mr. Heartfilia!" I yell a little louder than I wished to. "Yes Natsu, what is it?" "Levy found a book, but it says we need the Celestial King. Did Mrs. Heartfilia mention anything about being able to summon him?" He paused to think for a moment the took out a pocket watch from his pants. "Layla gave this to me before she passes on. She said if there was ever a time when Lucy was in danger to push down on the watch to activate the time. She said what will come from the watch will help Lucy, but it will only work once. I think this is a way to summon the Celestial King." "Well let's waste no time then," I said as he and Gramps followed me to the infirmary. "Lucy's dad thinks he might have a way to summon the king," I announce as we enter the room. "Lucy's mother gave me this pocket watch and told me to use it if Lucy was ever in danger, but it only works one time." "I believe her mother must have set that up in case Lucy ever broke the seal. Please bring it over here and I ask that you activate the watch since her mother left it in your care," Porlyusica told him. "I pray this works or Lucy will remain in a coma," Wendy mumbled, but with my hearing I heard her. Lucy's father walked over to her bed with the pocket watch in his hand. He pushed the top of the watch to activate the time and the watch started to float in the air, surrounded by bright, colorful lights. The watch continued to rise in the air until it vanished in an explosion of bright light. When we turned back to where the watch was a man now stood, who barely could fit inside the three-story high room. He was wearing what looked like armor and a horned helmet. He also had a super long, white mustache and red eyes. "Ahhhh I see the time has come to use Layla' watch. Who activated the watch?" His voice was loud and very deep. "I did your majesty. I am Layla's husband, Jude Heartfilia." The king nodded signaling that he knew who Lucy's father was. "I believe Lucy has broken the seal Layla placed on her." "Yes, I remember explaining that seal to her." "Can you help her," Mr. Heartfilia asked. "I can not. However, I must be summoned first so I can call upon who can help her." The king then began to chant in a different language and a portal opened next to him. Out from the portal stepped a normal sized man. He had midnight black hair with deep violet highlights through it. He was wearing a long black trench coat with small twinkling lights on it. Under the trench coat was an average deep violet shirt, a white belt at his waist and black, baggy pants. Over the pants he wore deep violet combat boots. "It's a pleasure to meet you members of Fairy Tail. I am Atlas, the Celestial Dragon," he said as he bowed. "You don't look like a dragon," I questioned. "Ah yes, this is my human form. It would be too cramped in here if I was in my dragon form." "Atlas," the king spoke, "Lucy needs your help. It seems like she has broken the seal Layla had placed on her." "I assumed that would be why you summoned me here to Earth." Atlas walked over to Lucy. "Wow, she looks just like Layla, your majesty." He stood over Lucy placing his hands above her. I didn't even know I was tightening my fists until Wendy placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked down to her and she gave me a reassuring smile. Atlas' hands began to glow as Lucy's body started to glow. It was only minutes, but felt like hours before he was done. "Her magic energy was going chaotic from being released and not controlled. I was able to calm the magic down. Celestial dragon slayer magic is different than the other dragon slayer magic. Celestial dragon slayers are born with the magic in them. Unlike the other slayer magic, this magic can not just be taught to anyone. This magic requires someone who is strong and can handle the amount of power with it. When the slayer reaches maturity, the full amount of power is released, but they are taught how to control it. Lucy's mom sealed this power away before Lucy reached that age. I also placed in her memories how to control this magic. Right now she needs rest for her body to recover." Atlas turned away from Lucy and walked towards me. "I can sense that you are Igneel's son." I nodded and he continued, "I also can sense you have a special bond with Lucy. Is she your mate?" I heavily blushed, "you could say that," I said quietly. I am trusting you with this key. When Lucy wakes up have her summon the Gate of the Celestial Dragon: Atlas. This will bring me here so I can explain everything to her." I took the key, which was different than the other keys Lucy had. This key was black with diamonds surrounding a large amethyst stone. It was absolutely beautiful.

Atlas and the king had to return to the Celestial World. They said their farewells and vanished through a portal. Everyone else left the room to allow Lucy to rest. Her father and I, however, stayed behind. "Natsu, may I speak with you?" "Yeah, what's going on Mr. Heartfilia?" "Please, call me Jude. Take care of my daughter. I can see that you truly care for her. I know how she feels towards me, but everything I did I had her best intentions in mind. Please keep her happy." "How do you know?" "When Lucy introduced you there was more than just friends in her eyes." He closed his eyes and had a small smile forming. "When Layla found out that her child was going to be a dragon slayer she spent a lot of time researching and when she would get the chance she would ask Atlas for help. What I am saying is dragons and dragon slayers sure are very loyal." And with that he left the room. 'I guess Lucy's mom knew about dragon's and dragon slayer's mates.' I walked over to Lucy's bed and sat in the chair next to her. I grabbed her hand and laced her fingers with mine. "Please wake up soon Luce."

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