Chapter 9

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Both of our heads turned to the door, hearing, "Kylo, the council is having a meeting in 5 minutes."

Ben let out a sigh, hands still on my hips. "Okay."

After their footsteps faded away, we both looked back at each other. I softly put my hands on arms and said, "I guess you should go. When will you be back?"

He released me from his arms and slowly walked towards his helmet, which sat on the nightstand. "Most meetings don't last that long, unless it's serious." He spun around, helmet in hand, "I'll try to be back soon."

As I watched him leave, a smile rose on my face. His words repeating in my head.

"You... Beautiful as always."


*Ben's POV*

I marched down the corridors of the base, making my way towards the main meeting room. My mind was cluttered in thoughts of Jane: how her hand felt in my hair; how my hands felt on her hips; how beautiful she was. Good thing I had my helmet on; I can feel the blush creeping on my cheeks. 

When I made it to the meeting, I sat at the head of the table. Looking around, I noticed General Hux and his men on the left; Captain Phasma and her head team on the right. "Shall we begin?" my mechanical voice came out.

Hux turned, not noticing my presence before. "Oh yes, I'll conduct today's meeting." He stood and spoke, "We will be discussing the missing prisoner aboard our ship. She's the one who came in that piece of junk, claiming she was with the First Order. Do you have any details you can tell us about her, Captain Phasma?"

They're talking about Jane. Crap.

As Captain Phasma rose, my pulse rang in my ears. What am I going to do?

"Yes, she was wearing a white shirt, brown jacket, tan pants, and brown boots. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, as well. In case she changes her clothing, she had blue eyes, and a very small nose-"

She doesn't like people noticing the smallness of her nose...

At that point, I was distracted by my thoughts. How am I going to keep her safe? I can't tell them I'm keeping her in my room... They'll be suspicious. Kylo Ren would never do that.


I quickly zoned back into the conversation and said, "Uh, what?"

"Have you noticed anyone fitting that description around the base?"

"Nope. Y-Yeah, no. I have not. Not at alllll."

Nice, Ben. Nice. 

Hux replied, giving me a weird look, "Okay, then. Meeting dismissed. Let me know immediately if you see anyone who fits this description. Don't let her get away; kill her if you must."

I quickly got up, and tried to casually walk back to my room. Please be there... please be there.

I threw the door open and rushed in. After the door was shut, I looked around. Where is Jane???

My heart started pounding as I took off my helmet and dropped it to the ground. Oh no, oh no, Jane isn't in here. She's probably wondering the halls and the second someone sees her, she's dead. I could feel the panic attack rising, and turned and punched the door. "NO!!!"


I whipped around to find Jane exiting the bathroom.


*Jane's POV*

"Ben?" I asked

The moment his eyes met mine, and rushed forward and wrapped me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he held my head. "I thought you left..."

I pulled back, enough to see his face, and said, "I'd never leave you..."

He set me down and backed up until his knees hit the bed, and he sat down. I stood in between his legs, and noticed how his head made it up to my chin. So this is how Ben feels standing next to me? I was always way shorter than Ben, but I was liking this perspective. "What's up? What was the meeting about?"

He looked up at me and sighed, "You."

Concern ran through my veins as I quickly said, "Wait, what? Did you say anything? What's going-"

"No. I didn't say anything." He laughed and took my hands in his, "I would never turn you over to the First Order."

I smiled as he said this, but it quickly vanished when he said, "We need to leave."

Confusedly, I asked, "What do you mean?"

"They're still looking for you, so we need to escape."

A smile slowly returned to my face, "We  need to leave? You're coming with me?"

He stood up, not taking his eyes off of me. His brown eyes boring into mine, he pulled me closer, by the waist. I let my arms rest on his as he said, "I'm not happy unless I'm with you, so yes. I'll go wherever you go."

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