Chapter 5

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As I flew away from the Resistance Base, my heart soared. I was one step closer to Ben. When I escaped the planet's atmosphere and descended into the stars, I set up some coordinates to follow. I knew the First Order allied one of the near by planets, so that would be a good place to find information about Ben's whereabouts. 

After a couple of hours of soaring, I got up to grab a couple of things out of my bag. When I retrieved what I was looking for, the ship shook. "Oh crap."

Running to the controls, I notice a ship hovering over the millennial falcon. "Requesting to communicate..." called the speaker.

Quickly, I tried to remember what Han taught me about this ship and accepted the communication call. "Hello?"

"You are on First Order territory. Who am I speaking to?" came a feminine, muffled voice. Probably a storm trooper. 

"My name is..." Do I tell the truth? Lie? 

"Your name is...."


"Are you with the Resistance?"

Obviously, I couldn't say yes. "No."

After a couple seconds of silence, "First Order?"

When I received this question, I soon realized a way to possibly get to Ben. "Yes! I am part of the First Order."

"Just one moment."

I felt like I sat there for five minutes, waiting for another response. My pulse increased, the anxiety flowed through my veins. What if they see through my lie? They'll probably kill me. With every second that I waited, the more my heart beated. 

"Where are you headed to?"

I carefully thought of my next move, and decided to say, "I'm honestly lost. I was suppose to head to the main base."

"Convenient. We're headed that way now. Just follow us."

Holy Hoth! What just happened? I'm basically being escorted to Ben! Whoever was on that communication line is way too trusting.


*Captain Phasma POV*

"She seems suspicious. When we make it back to base, take her to one of the prison cells, and I will consult Master Ren on this issue."

"Yes, Captain."

After following the First Order ship for a while, a large, black planet came into view. "I'm assuming that's the main base.."

It was quite smaller than expected, but that probably just helps conceal its location better than their last base. Starkiller was huge and obvious. This was the complete opposite. 

I followed the ship towards the little black planet and started preparing for landing, I tried to plan my next move. "I'm pretty sure if I just act like I know what I'm doing, they'll leave me to it... maybe?"

Once we landed, I quickly grabbed my bag and headed down as confidently as I could. Underneath my fake confidence, I felt like throwing up. I had to be careful. My plan could fail at any moment. When I exited the Millennium Falcon, the first thing I saw was tons of storm troopers roaming around, all with blasters in their hands. "Excuse me?"

"What?" I turned to see a silver storm trooper, same muffled, feminine voice as the communicator from the ship. "Yes?" I asked

"Since you were so lost, and to prevent you from getting more lost, I have assigned these two to escort you to your destination." She motioned toward the two storm troopers behind her.

Oh crap. "Oh, that won't be necessary" I nervously laughed

"Oh, but it is. Where are you headed?"

"The- umm - control center?"

The silver storm trooper nodded to my two escorts and we started walking. "This seems too easy..." I thought.

After ten minutes of walking, the two storm troopers began whispering. I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but I got parts. "... taking her... idiot... realize... prison cell." 

"They're taking me to a prison cell?!" I thought, "Well, there goes my plan."

I slowly extended the space between me and the two troopers in front of me. Looking around, I saw an opening on the right. "I'll sneak in there and book it!" I thought

The closer the opening came, the more my heart pounded. The second I came to it, I quietly slipped into it. I started running; it wouldn't take them long to realize I was gone. "Hey!"

Yep, I was right. At that point, I ran as fast I could through the maze of hallways. "Attention, prisoner on the loose. I repeat prisoner on the loose."

 "Oh Crap!" As I was turning around a corner, I ran into a bunch of storm troopers. "Freeze!"

Turning on my heel, I ran back down another hallway. I looked back, and saw I lost them. I smiled as I turned down another hallway again. No one was there. I continued running until I froze. My body literally wouldn't move. It's like something is forc-


Then everything turned black.

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