Chapter 7

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I've sitting in this room for, at least, a couple of hours. Ben hasn't been back, unfortunately. Thinking of my next plan... seeing him face to face... his face. Would I be able to see his face without breaking down? I've missed him... immensely. When I was talking to him earlier, it didn't feel real.. but if- I mean when - I see his face, it will be real. It will feel real. 

Well, I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing. I looked down at my attire: dirty, white t-shirt, brown jacket, and tan pants that tucked into my little brown boots. I walked towards the bathroom and looked into the mirror. The dark circles underneath my eyes contrasted against my fair skin. The sweat glistened on my forehead, and my greasy hair was pulled back into a ponytail. I felt disgusting... I looked disgusting. I walked back into the room and opened the second door, next to the bathroom. "Please be a closet. Please be a closet.."

As I looked inside, I discovered that it was a closet filled with men's clothing, all black. Looking at the size, it must have been Ben's... so that must mean this is Ben's room. Warmth filled my chest when I realized that Kylo would have never helped me escape death, and keep me in his personal room. Ben was still alive. 

I grabbed some black sweats, and a black t-shirt. I ran back to the bathroom, shut and locked the door, and started running the shower. After peeling off my dirty clothes, I entered the warm shower, and scrubbed the dirt and sweat off my body. I looked around for some shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, and found some sitting by my feet, at the bottom of the shower. After my body was clean, and turned off the shower, dried off, and put on Ben's clothes. I ran my hands through my hair, getting out the knots and snarls. 

I walked out of the bathroom and immediately notice Ben sitting on the bed, with his helmet still on. "I hope you don't mind, I took a shower and used some of your clothes."


"Where have you been for the past couple of hours?"


I quietly walked up to him, and sat next to him on the bed. He has yet to acknowledge my presence. Not even with a slight glance. "Ben?"

He abruptly stood up and crossed the room. "My name is not Ben."

Nervously, I stood and shakily said, "Yes. It is."

He spun and walked towards me, until there was little room between us. "My name is Kylo Ren, and I could kill you at any moment. Why don't you realize that?"

"Because. I know when you don't mean things."

He took a step back, knowing what I meant. Thinking back on that day that he called me annoying and told me to go away. He didn't mean any of it, just like he didn't mean anything he was telling now... I hoped.

 "I've changed-"

"Prove it. Take off your helmet." I confidently said

He sat for a minute.. thinking about what I said. "Fine."

My heart began racing the second he said that. His fingers fiddled with the back of his helmet, and slowly he took it off. The moment I saw even just his chin, my eyes started tearing up. His black hair fell out, and his brown eyes met mine. He didn't say anything... I didn't say anything. I stepped forward, "Ben?" 

"I'm not... My name's not.." His eyes looked anywhere but mine. 

It's him. I smiled and closed the distance between us. I wrapped my arms around his slim torso. His arms awkwardly sat at his side, and I couldn't help but think back to the time he told me he was leaving. We stood in this same position, but this time he wasn't leaving. He was here. He's here with me.

My tears stained his shirt when he finally wrapped his arms around me. His breathing increased as he laid his head on top of my head and squeezed me tighter. Through shaky breathes, he whispered, "Jane... I've missed you."

*Author's note!

Hey! So, I am really interested if anyone's reading, so comment! 

I'm also up for suggestions for where you want this story to head, so you could also comment ideas if you want. If you've read all my chapters, you're awesome! Hopefully you enjoyed it!*

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