He closed his eyes remembering that wretched day.

7 year old Nikolai walked between his Father and his father's sister

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7 year old Nikolai walked between his Father and his father's sister. He was trying to stamp the white smoke coming from his aunt Renaz Shizkov's flowing white gown. His tiny hand was clasped by his father's huge fist.

A fist the size of Nikolai's own head.

"He is much like you, brother." Renaz said, in her heavily accented voice.

His father did not reply. He never did. Some said Afonos Shizkov was a mute. Some said his tongue was cut. And some said that he had sworn an oath of silence. 

Nobody knew the truth.

Not even his own son.

He never even removed his battle helm. Nobody had seen his face. Not even his sister removed her veil. It was said that her eyes were too bright for any mortal or even an immortal to look upon. And Afonos was the exact opposite.

His eyes were deep dark depths of pitch black which no one could ever look upon.

Where Renaz emitted light there Afonos emitted darkness. Even now, shadows curled around his body and seeped through his armour.

"There you are darling!" His mother's, naturally seductive voice said loudly. 

In a flash of green she was seated in the crook of her husband's arm.

She was either really small or her husband was huge. It was obviously the latter.

Feofin Shizkov swung her legs and kissed her husband's arm...where ever she could reach anyway. 

She was really small and weird.

First of all, she had green hair that was cut short like a male's and multiple piercings in her long elf ears.

But she wasn't an elf. Many species of creatures had long ears. And Feofin Shizkov was one of them.

She was a succubus demon.

Or simply, a sex demon.

A demon who preyed on mortal souls while having sex with them.

In simple words.

Loving mother.

"Darling, you made me stand here so long. You know my feet are swollen right?" She said rubbing her protruding belly. She was six months pregnant and she still wore those skimpy clothes of hers.

Just a black bra like top and a black skirt that was in tatters and reached only till her thighs. And black heeled boots..even in her condition she still wore boots.

His mother had horns protruding from the sides of her head just a bit above and behind her ears. They were small because she was female but no less threatening. Her skin was a pale grey and her eyes green in colour. Her lips today were painted black to match her clothes.

She didn't exactly look like a loving mother but she really was.

A purring sound emitted from his father as he left Nikolai's hand to stroke his wife's belly.

She purred back for him.

Renaz's lips thinned. She hate public acts of love and adoration. Nikolai wondered if it was because she had sworn of males or if she just hated it for kicks and giggles.

"We should go quickly,  the Oracle will speak without us otherwise." She said, in Russian. 

Feofin huffed. "Your sister is blubbering in Russian again. I hate it. Do something, Afonos." She said to her husband.

Afonos was a lost puppy without his wife. He loved her more than anything in the world and therefore her did everything she asked him to do.

Afonos put his arm around his sister's shoulder and shook her.

She groaned and rolled her eyes,  shrugging his enormous arm off.

Nikolai laughed loudly. "Me!" He told his father.

Afonos made another rumbling sound and started shaking Nikolai too.

Nikolai laughed again as the world moved. "Earthquake! " he said, his voice full of childish glee.

"Put him down brother, you'll hurt the boy."

"His name is Niko." His mother said.

"Don't call him the boy."

"I'll call him whatever I want."

"Do something, Afonos." Afonos rumbled again and put his hand out but this time he pointed at a door.

It was closed with double locks. "We're here." Renaz said breathlessly.

The Demon King (Otherworld Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now