Chapter 7

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I was shocked, my mouth gaped open, I stood still, silent. Zeke turns away from me, walking away quickly. I'm left there in the middle of the hall way.

His words echoed in my head.

Tiner the deciever
We're done
You hurt me

I felt his anger and pain, but I felt my own deep pit of loss and emptiness


Louise and Gene were nearby, they saw me and came over

"T. What's wrong" Gene said as he jostled my shoulders a bit.

"Come on Tina" Louise grabbed my arm, both of them pulling me outside, my breaths becoming spastic, it hurt. Everything hurt, my head was spinning, and it felt like my chest was gonna explode. Once they pushed the doors open and I felt the air on my face, the tension released inside me and I cried. I felt myself crumble as the tears flowed down my face. Both my siblings at my side, hugging me, trying to hold me together.


I didn't know how I made it through the day. Everything was a blur, I sat through my classes, I pushed through the day, but I felt paralyzed. Frozen, deep in this pain, I was just glad to make it to the privacy and solitude of my room. By tomorrow everyone would know about the break up, I couldn't deal with everyone gossiping about it.

I climbed into bed, having released all my tears already, I laid there, staring up at the ceiling. I'm sure by now Louise and Gene gave mom and dad the details, I don't think I could tell them about the break up. My mom immediately liked Zeke and my dad was getting there, he was just glad he wasn't a Pesto.

Everyone came into my room at once.

"Hey tinie Tina" my mom said in a hushed tone. "We just wanted to check up on you."

"Mom, I don't know what to do anymore."

"Tina, you gotta get over him, he obviously didn't like you enough to keep dating you." Gene added

"Gene, that was a bit rude, but he's right, sorta." my mom said

"Honey, the point is, if you like him, you should just apologize for what you did, you know what you did want right, just be honest with him" my dad said, being the only person to say something of value, but my family always managed to make me feel better.

"Ok dad, I'm gonna fix this" I felt better knowing a had a plan, I know this won't be easy, but what am I gonna do without Zeke?

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