There was not one person who pulled out a phone to call for help. Out of the many cars that passed by, only one person stopped to help you. Not only did she stop to help, but she also called the fire department. In that time of need, your mother and father had called different relatives to see if they could help you, if they were willing to drive and pick you up. Everyone refused, abandoning you and your family in their most desperate time of need.

After the incident, you were diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Every pop, every bang, every loud noise brought you back to the sense of helplessness and loss. You struggled day and night in trying to make sense of the accident. It impacted the way you thought, your safety, your view of the world around you, and how you performed in school. You worked hard to overcome all of the struggles and take back your life. However, you still felt as though the accident crippled your hope for the future.

Never in your life you will you try and be happy. It's all going to disappear in the matter of minutes.


Having someone right in front of you making you laugh and smile only made you realize how precious this moment was. It was going to disappear in the matter of minutes and you decided to make it last as much as you can before you pushed back into reality.

"You ok?"

Apparently you had been silent for quite some time.

"Hmm?...Oh yeah. I'm fine."

"You sure? This is the second time you blank out on me."

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about some things."

"Well, don't think too hard. You're at a party. Not in class."

You smiled.

"I'm Hoseok by the way."


The two of you exchange handshakes. While handshakes seem to be a bit formal when meeting someone new in college, it didn't matter. The setting wasn't formal and the conversation was most definitely not formal and didn't have an undertone of awkwardness as most conversations you had held did. There was something different about this guy.

You continue to spend the majority of the time with Hoseok until another familiar face showed up. He was the one who had Hoseok in a headlock earlier and made him flail his arms in despair. He looked more muscular than what you could see from far away. More muscular than Jungkook too.

"Hey Y/N, this is my best friend Jimin."

"Annyeonghaseyo Y/N."

"Annyeonghaseyo Jimin. Nice to meet you."

Whenever you meet new people, you were always very shy. You always expressed how nice it was to meet them and paired your hello's with the most polite smile you could give.

"I see you've been talking to Hoseok for a while."

"Uhh...yeah. I suppose so." You chuckled.

"Well we go waaay back..along with our group. He's one of the most charismatic, energetic, happiest, loudest, biggest fanboy..."

"Yah yah stop stop."

"You know it's true just don't want to be embarrassed in front of a pretty girl"

Ummm...pretty? Last time you checked you had virtually no makeup on, your hair...well, I guess you hair looked ok, just not to your satisfaction. You were never happy with yourself. While your family always gave you support and always told you how beautiful you were, it didn't help when boys always seemed to ignore you. Only once did a guy ever like you, but you had to refrain from liking him back since your best friend Karen liked him also; and well, friendship was more important than a relationship with a boy. On top of all the boys ignoring you, you always felt bad about your weight. You weren't big, but somehow your friends made you feel huge.


"Look how fat I am! How am I supposed to get rid of all this extra weight?"

"But Jennifer, you're like 30 pounds lighter than me! You're what?...120 pounds?"

" don't get. I'm fat."

So what am I? Obese?, you thought.


Ever since then you struggled more with your weight than you ever had. So whenever someone gave you a compliment or called you pretty, you were the first to argue against the point.

" I was saying. Hoseok is a good guy in general. He'll make you feel like the sun is shining down on you. He's like our own personal sunshine."

"Rain or shine I'm always fine." Hoseok said with a smile.

The fact that Hoseok was able to make everything cringe-worthy cheesy made you think how it was possible to do such a thing in the first place.

"So...what made you come to this party Y/N?" Jimin asked.

"Uhh...well, my friend's boyfriend is actually the host of the party so I just came with her."

"JUNGKOOKIE HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!!!!" They both exclaimed.

You automatically assumed that Jungkookie was another name for Jungkook.

"But the boy is shy! He's quiet!..HE RUNS AWAY FROM GIRLS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" yelled Jimin.

"Well, he seems to be dating my friend."

The boys were in complete shock. As if they just found out that the Benedict Cumberbatch was no longer going to reprise his role in Sherlock...well at least that's how you would react.

"WE HAVE TO GO MEET HER!" Hoseok yelled. "It's a must."

"Wait hyung. Shouldn't we tell the others first and then go surprise him?"

"I like the way you think."

And the three of you were off to go find the other members of their group.


A/N: So I decided to continue it as you can tell. Thank you people for reading and those of you whom I spoke to. You guys boosted my confidence in writing it. I hope this will gain more attention. Thank you so much.

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