Chapter 4

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Ed held Olivia's hand tightly as they walked to the back office of the fertility clinic. They sat down across from the doctor and continued to hold tightly to each other. "So, Mr. and Mrs.Tucker. I see you 2 are looking into having a baby." He says smiling at them. The married couple nodded eagerly. "Alright, according to your physicals, you are both very healthy. Olivia, you are in nearly perfect shape to have a baby. We will have to run additional tests that we can do today. So we can get IVF started as soon as possible." They nodded and looked over the paperwork they had been given. Soon, they headed into different rooms to take the different tests.

Olivia swung by Lucy's after their appointment to pick up the boys. She then had to bring them to the office to meet with the social worker. She opened the door to find the two boys playing some sort of game while Lucy was "tied" up in the middle of her apartment. "Hurry Lieutenant Noah! Sargent David! Save me!" She cried out making eye contact with Olivia who was now trying not to laugh. "Mommy! Help us!" Noah yelled as they ran towards Lucy. "Help us Mommy!" David yelled too as they yanked on the rope around their babysitter. Olivia stood shocked as they got her free. She knew it would be hard to depart from the boy but she didn't think he would take to calling her mom. "Okay boys, pick up before we leave." They both quickly start picking up, and it gives a chance to the adults to talk. "How was the doctors?" Lucy asks the older woman. Olivia shrugged explaining they won't know much for awhile. They needed to know if Liv's eggs were viable and if Ed had a high enough sperm count. Soon, she had both the boys and headed out to the car. 

She arrived to the office with both boys in tow. Once they entered her office, she saw the social worker sitting on the couch. "Lieutenant Benson." She says standing. Olivia shook her hand and offered her a smile. "David, this nice lady is here to take you." She says bending down to the boy. He looked between the lady and Olivia before furrowing his brow in confusion. "I not stay with you?" He asks tears starting to pool in his eyes. Her heart broke right then. "No sweetheart, I'm sorry. They are going to find you a family who is going to love you and care for you forever." She got down on her knees to talk with him. He started to cry and launched himself on her. "You love me!" He cried into her neck, holding on tightly. She had to look up at the ceiling to blink the moisture away. "David, I am here to take you now. Come on." The darker woman reached for the little boy, which caused him to shriek. "NO!" Noah stood by Olivia's desk watching. He was confused as to where his new friend was going. "Mommy, David stay!" He says moving towards the 2. The woman reached for him again and peeled him off Olivia. He started kicking and screaming as she picked him up but she held tight. "Thank you, Lieutenant." She leaves with the boy and Olivia had to turn around to wipe her eyes. Noah stood staring at the door sadly. He didn't want his friend to leave.

Ed looked up from the newspaper when he heard the door open. Noah trudged in, followed by an equally unhappy Olivia. Noah went straight to his toybox and pulled out the cars to play on his mat. She fell to the couch and stared at the ceiling. "That bad?" He asks looking down at her head in his lap. She shook her head and met his eyes. "It was heartbreaking, Ed." He put his hand on her hair and rubbed her shoulder. "It'll be okay, Liv. He will find a family." She sat up and moved to sit directly next to him. "Noah asked me why the mean lady took his friend in the car." The man chuckled and wrapped his arm around his wife. This would pass. 

A week passed and Olivia got a phone call from their doctor. They could start IVF as soon as they wanted. They sat in bed that night going over everything. "What if I can't get pregnant, Ed? We don't have the money to go through another process." She says looking through the websites. "Or what if I lose the baby?" He turns and takes her face in his hands. "Olivia, stop. We have talked about this. We will take it as time comes. You are so healthy, baby. You heard the doctors. We have weighed all the outcomes already." He leaned forward and kissed her gently. "We are going to have this baby Olivia. We are going to make it happen." They laid back together. He rolled over her and their kisses intensified. She giggled as he slid lower under the blanket. "I love you Olivia Tucker. I cannot wait till you are swollen with our child."

She sat at her desk as she filed paperwork from their latest case. She was feeling uncomfortable because she had just taken her first pill. She was nervous about this whole situation but she knew she would be happy in the end. "Liv?" She hears a timid knock from the front door. She looked up to see her step-daughter standing in the doorway. She waved the girl in and put her glasses on her head. "Hi, Jennifer. What is up?" The girl sat down and smiled slightly to the older woman. "I need some girl advice." Olivia smiled and pushed her files aside. Ed's daughters and her didn't get off on a good start. They thought she was much younger than she was, and was pissed at Ed because they thought he was sleeping with people younger. It freaked them out. "I am seeing this guy.. and it's getting pretty serious. He wants me to move in with him." Olivia lifted her brows in surprise. She didn't know Jen was seeing anybody. "How did you know you were ready to move in with daddy?" She asks leaning on the older womans desk. Liv let out a small sigh and smiled sadly at her. "Everything is a little different with us, Jen. If you aren't ready, then you aren't ready sweetheart." She reached across the desk and took her hand. The young woman let out a deep sigh and gripped her hand. "I love him, Olivia. I just.. I don't want to get hurt." Olivia felt for her. She knew exactly how she felt because she has felt that way her entire life. With Elliot. With David Haden. With Cassidy. Then Tucker. She felt the pain of not wanting to be hurt again.

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