Chapter 3

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Olivia entered her home 2 days later after the case was finally closed. She kicked the door shut and carried the sleeping body to the living room. She laid him down, and turned to the kitchen where she saw her husband sitting there drinking bourbon. "You brought him home?" Ed asks looking between his wife and the sleeping boy she just carried into the house. "They couldn't get anyone from the foster system to come get him. Noah asleep?" She grabbed water and brought it to the living room to put on the table. They moved closer to the dining room so they didn't wake the sleeping boy. "Yes. Why would you bring him here?" Ed asks keeping his eyes trained on the boy while his wife rolls her eyes. "I am a qualified foster parent, so they let me keep him for the night. Just till CPS come pick him up." As they spoke, the boy let out a yawn and she turned to see him opening his eyes. Turning away from her husband, she made her way back to the couch. "Hi, David. You are here at my house. You are going to stay the night, okay?" He nods and looks around. He takes in the pictures and the toys everywhere. "Would you like to see the big boy bed you get to sleep in?" He quickly nods his head and she smiles offering him her hand. The 2 had gotten close the past 2 days of sitting in the hospital together. They had caught the man and now it was time to reunite the boys with their families, except David who had no family. She made eye contact with Ed and he slowly followed them. He had met the boy a few times and he was finally warming up to him. He stood back as he watched her laugh with the little boy when he saw their guest bed. "Would you like some water or something to eat before bed?" She asks him and he did the double take, still shocked this adult was offering him food. "Can.. can I?" She nods and she goes to the kitchen see what she could quickly make. He follows closely behind her. She was the only person he trusted at the moment and he wasn't letting her out of his sight. Olivia opened the fridge and was searching to find some food. She turned to ask him a question and saw him eyeing the package of cookies on the counter. "Would you like one?" She asks reaching for the package of oreos, pulling it open. She hands him a few and helps him get onto a stool at the island. "Have you had these before?" She asks pouring him a cup of milk. He shook his head as he devoured the cookies the woman gave him. He always saw the mean man eating them, but never gave him any. He always dreamed about one day getting to eat an oreo. She gave him a few more and turned when she saw Ed enter the kitchen holding another pair of Noah's pajamas. He folded them and slid them across the table to the boy. He timidly looked between the 2 adults and finished the cookies. "Do you need anything else before we all hit the hay?" She asks cleaning off the table. He shakes his head and lets out a little yawn. She smiles and helps him off the chair. Ed heads back to their bedroom while she takes the boy to their guest bed. She lets him change into pajamas before plugging in the bright nightlight they kept in the hall for when Noah had to go potty or needed them. "I am right down the hall with Ed. The light in the bathroom will be kept on. If you need anything, just yell. Okay, sweetheart?" She tucked him into bed before ruffling his hair and retreating to her bedroom with her husband. He was changed into pajamas, a white t-shirt and boxers as usual. He was standing over the sink brushing his teeth when she wrapped her arms around his midsection. She placed her head on his back and just hummed lightly as he finished brushing his teeth. Soon he turned and smiled down at her. "You're a good woman Olivia Benson." He kissed her forehead and she looked up, shaking her head. "Tucker." He laughed and nodded. "Right. Olivia Tucker." 

Olivia was curled up asleep next to Ed when she was woken by patting on her back. "Noah, just climb up." She mumbles. Normally he wakes up in the middle of the night and climbs into their bed. When they wake up, they notice him. Why was he waking her up now? The tapping continued and she rolled to pull her son into the bed. She sat up when she saw a sickly looking David standing next to her. Noah was already asleep in on the other side of Ed. "What is it?" She asks reaching out to him. She realized he was crying and shaking. "Sweetie what happened?" He pointed towards the doorway and Olivia let out a sigh. She got up and took his hand. They left the bedroom and walked towards her room. She flipped on the light and she saw a pile of puke. "Oh honey." She turns to the boy and squats down. He was covered in vomit as well. "Come on, lets get you in the bath." She brought him across the hall and ran the water into the tub.  He cried as he undressed and she made sure the bath was warm enough. "David, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just want to get you cleaned up." He cried as she helped him into the water. She sighed as she was thinking. It was probably the food that got him sick. He isn't used to eating. His body was going to reject it. She washed him off gently and then quick helped him out again. As she wrapped the towel around the boy she heard the raspy voice from the doorway. "I cleaned up the bedroom. If he wants to stay with you in our bed, I can take the guest bed." He offers and hands her another set of pajamas. She smiles at him gratefully. "David, what happened when you woke up?" She asks draining the tub and getting him a spare little kid tooth brush. He quietly told her the bad man was in his dreams. Olivia and Ed's eyes met in the mirror and they sighed. "You brush your teeth, I am going to talk to Ed." They step in the hall and pull the door behind them so he can't hear their whispers. "Is this what it's going to be like if we have another kid?" Olivia asks leaning into her husbands embrace. "Liv.. are you rethinking the baby? We have the appointment tomorrow." He asks running his fingers through her hair. "No, I want a baby with you." She kissed him softly and smiled. "Go back to bed." He headed back to their bed and moved Noah to his own bed once again. David decided he wanted to still be close to Olivia but not in that room. He didn't care Ed was in the room anymore. He snuggled close to the older woman and she laid the blanket over them. She kissed his blonde hair and rubbed his back till he was asleep. She felt Ed move closer and he draped his arm over her midsection. This was the life she wanted.

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