Chapter 2

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Olivia was scrolling through sites reading about IVF. She cried when she saw if she used her own eggs she had 6% chance the baby would survive. If she used donated eggs, she had a 60% chance that the baby would survive. The whole reason Ed brought this up was because he wanted a baby of their own. Her door flung open and she quickly closed the tab. "Lieu, we got a lead." She nodded and told them to look into it and check back with her. She started to review the case again and ran into something strange. Fin and Carisi went out to check out the new lead so she waved Amanda along with her. In the car she explained someone they all had in common. All the missing children saw the same in home child hair dresser. She pulled up to the house and they both got out of the car. Olivia knocked on the door and glanced at Amanda. They waited for a minute before the door opened a crack. "Hi. I'm Olivia Benson. Can we come in?" She holds up her badge. He slowly opened the door but she stopped when she heard someone yell her name. She turned to see Tucker and Noah walking up the walkway. "Rollins. I will be inside in a minute." She nodded and shut the door. Olivia stepped off the porch and stopped them. "Ed, take Noah home. Now!" She says sternly. Noah starts shouting happily to see his mom. "Ed. This man could be extremely dangerous. Take him home!" Continuing to ignore Noah's excitement, she stares down her husband. Ed picks up Noah and they start walking away. "But mooomm!" Noah cries. She keeps her eyes on Ed as they walked away. He cried reaching out to Olivia and she glances at him. She turns away from them and goes back into the house where Rollins was. Amanda and the man were standing in front of the door waiting for her. "Sorry. People can't be here at the moment." She sticks her hand in her pockets and they walk to the living room. She looked around the house trying to see anything that signified something wrong. "Mind if we look around?" Olivia asks after Rollins asks a few questions. The man immediately tenses and shook his head. "I have to go to an appointment. Please leave." The 2 women made eye contact and nodded. They walked out the door and she immediately pulled out her phone to call Barba. She told him what happened and he sighed. "I'll try and get you a warrant." They quickly made their way back to the office where she met with everyone else. "There is something going on in that house." Rollins says glancing at Olivia. The older woman nodded. Her phone started to ring. They had gotten their warrant. 

Olivia pushed the warrant into his hands as they started to search the house. Fin found the basement door and couldn't get it open. Soon, someone picked the lock and he ran down the stairs. He pushed another door open and gasped when he saw a little boy laying on a piece of cardboard. "Lieutenant! I think you'd wanna see this." Olivia came down the stairs and Fin walked toward the kid. "Is it James?" She asks looking around to see if there was anybody else. "No, it's not." Fin slowly shook the boy and then felt to see if he had a pulse. "Call a bus!" Olivia yelled up the stairs. Fin inspected the boy. He had bruises spread out around her body. He laid naked on a piece of thin cardboard. "He can't be older than 3-4." He says. Tears start forming in Liv's eyes. The boy looked like Noah. Olivia walked upstairs and pulled her cuffs out. "You are under arrest for kidnapping and child abuse. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you." She handcuffed him and handed him off to a police officer. 

Back at the station, everyone was frantically searching for the little boy that was missing. They found out he had a warehouse only 2 hours from there. Everyone suited up and took Liv's orders to head down there. She was still at the hospital with the little boy. As soon as he saw her, he clug tightly to her. He was asleep in her arms while she sat on the chair in the hospital room. He had his arms wrapped around her neck as she quietly talked on the phone. "Go check it out. Keep me posted. I'm staying with the little boy, David Taylor." She hung up and looked down. It turns out the little boy was 5, but he was extremely malnourished. Both of his parents were murdered during his kidnapping, an entire year ago. It was obvious during examination the child has suffered severe sexual abuse. Both families have no other family members. He was going into foster care. She opened the text messages from Ed. All of them questioning what had happened. "Come to the hospital. Bring Noah and a pair of his clothes."  She types back before putting her phone back into her pocket. The little boy starts to stir and whimper. She rubbed her hand down his back and waited for him to become more aware. "David." She calls and he sits up weakly. He blinked a few times and she handed him the small water bottle they had in the room. He stared at her unsure, and she nodded with a small smile. "Go ahead, David. Drink some water." He hesitantly took the water from Olivia. He took a first sip and watched her to see if she was going to punish him. "Go ahead sweetheart." She gave him a sympathetic smile. "Are you hungry? I can get you some food." His eyes lit up when she mentioned food. He nodded quickly and she let out a small laugh. "Knock knock." Tucker said carrying Noah. Olivia stood holding the little boy who was still drinking the water. She set the little boy on the bed. His eyes got huge and scrambled to grab back onto Olivia. His breath started picking up and he began to cry. Tucker quickly turned back around and left the room. Olivia slowly began to calm him down. "It's okay. He won't hurt you. I'm here. My son Noah is here. Would you like to meet him?" She sat down and he sat down on her lap again. "Noah, booga. Come in here." Noah comes in and climbs on the bed next to the boy. He handed Olivia a bag. "Here." He says and looks at the boy. Olivia put her hand on her 5 year olds shoulder. "David, I got you some clothes. Would you like to put them on? Noah and I will go in the hallway." She lifted up Noah and the little boy nodded. They left the room and went into the hallway with Ed. "Thank you for coming, Ed." He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "He won't let go of me. We found him N-A-K-E-D and B-E-A-T-E-N." She set Noah down by their feet and he drove his cars on the wall. "I think the boys being together will open him up a little bit. Him trust us a little more. But apparently, you scare him. I can bring him home with me later." She kisses his cheek and knocks on the door again. Once she hears a weak access to enter, she opens the door and enters with Noah. "David, this is my son. His name is Noah. Would you like to play cars?" He nods and Noah climbs onto the bed with the boy his age. He hands over a car. David held the toy in his hand inspecting it. Noah started driving it on the arm rails. The other little boy smiled and copied Noah's movements. She smiled and stepped into the corner to wait for a call from her squad.

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