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When Dan woke up, he was in the hospital. This would definitely be in the news, and not something he wanted to talk about in interviews.

Nobody was in the room with him, but Dan didn't know how long he had been here until a doctor walked in and he popped the question.

"Medics arrived at your house around four in the morning after someone called the emergency line saying you were passed out on the floor. You've been unconscious in the hospital for about six hours."

Dan's stomach rumbled when he realized he hadn't eaten, flinching and hissing at the pain in his limbs. "When can I go home?"

"Nothing's severely wrong with you or broken, but we do suggest you stay at your house until we find those who inflicted your pain. It's not safe- they could do worse. I suggest bedrest, and we've bandaged a few of your wounds if deep enough. Change it every day to avoid infection."

Dan nodded, furrowing his eyebrows as he read her name tag. Dr. Anne. "Have you rung anyone?"

"We didn't need to. News spread quickly. We have security outside your doors right now to keep out paparazzi."

Dr. Anne walked to the window and unwind the blinds, revealing the crowd of fans and reporters. They all yelled once they saw him, Dr. Anne quickly shutting the blinds again and walking over.

"I'm sure someone you care about will arrive soon."

And as if on cue, his beautiful husband called Phil Lester pushed open the door, snaking through the chaotic crowd to get inside. He quickly shut the door, McDonald's and flowers in each hand.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'll come back soon to bring some papers you'll sign." She grinned and left, the door shutting after her.

"I brought you food," Phil smiled gently. Dan wanted to be angry, to ask where he was and why it took so long for him to get here, but then he noticed the tear streaks on Phil's cheeks and all frustration disappeared.

Phil trailed over and set down the food on his tray, flowers laying next to it. He sat down next to Dan's bed, gazing over at him.

"I'm so sorry this happened," Phil murmured, eyes welling up as he reached for his husband's hand. Their fingers interlocked, and Dan felt home.

"Where were you?" Dan questioned, his voice soft.

"My parents came to our house while you were gone. They insisted on talking, so we went out to dinner and it didn't go well. I ended up walking to the park and ranting to Roger. I had my phone on silent."

"What did they want?"

"They want me to leave you," Phil spoke. Dan froze. "They want me to divorce you, and go live with them again. They're willing to forget the past and be my parents again."

Dan loosened his grip on Phil. "And will you?"

They made eye contact, there was silence, then Phil broke it with a sharp metaphorical knife.

"I don't know yet."

Dan completely let go of his hand, sitting up. His whole body ached, but now his heart did too. He had finally found someone he really loved, someone that understood him and made him genuinely happy. And now, they wanted to leave. Dan couldn't reply- he didn't know how to. Was he supposed to beg him not to? Or let him go?

"I. . ." Dan attempted to respond, failing and trailing off as he avoided looking at his husband.

"They're my parents, Dan. I know they weren't the greatest, but maybe that could change."

"Exactly. Maybe. Maybe that could change. You are nearly an adult, and they're just now apologizing to you? Do you not see what's happening, Phil? You're rich now. You're famous. They don't want you, they want what you have."


"You can't tell me you love me then suddenly tell me you might leave. How, in any circumstance, is that fair?"

"It's not, I know-"

"No," Dan cut him off again, glaring at Phil. "If you knew, if you truly loved me, you wouldn't hesitate to reject their request."

"You don't get it!" Phil shouted, getting up. "Your parents have been at your side your whole damn life! Not once did you ever to go through anything alone! You've had a family from the start, you've been accepted from the start- you've been loved from the start, for God's sake, and you don't even see it! You act like your parents are a pain in the ass, but at least you can even say that! How dare you try and explain to me my family life when I am well aware."

"Obviously not," Dan hissed. "Family is not always by blood. And sure, maybe physically I wasn't alone, but mentally, that adjective is a freaking understatement. I had no friends, no pets, no social life. Nobody wanted to speak to me because they assumed who I was, which was a greedy prick. And that's exactly what you're doing right now."

"I'm not assuming. I'm married to you, I know who you are. You told me you'd change."

Dan's voice broke as he replied. "I'm trying."

"For once in my miserable life, I have a chance of having my family back. You're not even attempting to understand my side of the story."

"I thought I was your family," Dan sniffled.

"I thought so too."

The door pushed open again to reveal the doctor, her face instantly pausing once she realized the situation. She slowly trailed in, setting down the papers. "Sign here and you can leave."

This was really happening.

Phil wanted to leave. He wanted a divorce.

So Dan signed the paper, staring at his signature and hoping he wouldn't see that same one on divorce papers.

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