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It was late and Dan had locked himself in his room, leaving his parents and Phil alone to socialize. He had been here for hours and the butlers just kept bringing more wine, and with more wine meant more talking.

"And what is your opinion on marriage, Phil?" Dan heard his mother question, groaning. Of course she asks that.

"Marriage? Wow, that's a big one. . ." He chuckled softly, and Dan peeked out his door to look at Phil. Phil hadn't noticed him, his gaze stuck on the glass in his hand, but a small smile found its way to his lips and Dan didn't want to stop staring. "I, uh. . . I've only been in love once. It didn't go well, she was manipulative and I never really felt like she loved me a much as I loved her. So I used up all the strength I had left and broke up with her and she kicked me out."

Dan's smile faded at how sad and uncomfortable Phil sounded speaking about his ex, wanting to tell his parents to leave him alone until his father spoke up. "But do you like where you're staying now?"

"It's alright. I have a weird roommate but he's a good friend and he's respectful. The rent isn't too bad, I just wish I could afford a house of my own. I'm working for it though."

"Where do you work? Don't your parents loan you money?"

"I'm a bartender at the gay club downtown. People are kind of rude and intimidating but I like my coworkers. And as for my parents, they uh. . . I don't talk to them."

Dan's lips formed in a straight line and silence followed. He figured it was time to stop eavesdropping, moving back into his bedroom and shutting the door. He was half asleep when Phil came in.

"Dan? Are you awake?"

"No," Dan mumbled against his pillow, rolling over to turn away from the man.

"Sorry if we kept you up. Your parents like to talk a lot."

"I know."

"Can I sleep next to you?"



Dan groaned now, sitting up and furrowing his eyebrows at Phil. It was dark, Dan could barely even see him, but he could see that he was tired so he gave in and scooted over. "Come on, you big baby."

Phil flashed him a sheepish smile and began slipping off his shirt, Dan's cheeks instantly reddening and he turned away.

"What? Do you sleep with pajamas on?"

"A shirt and pajama pants, yes."

"You're silly. I sleep with just my boxers on, so have fun with that," Phil laughed. Dan cleared his throat once he felt the bed dip beside him, Phil sliding in next to him. "Also, I'm a cuddler. I hope you don't mind."

"I do."

"Sucks to be you, then."

Dan rolled his eyes, letting his head hit the pillow again and yawning. "Hey Phil?"

"Yeah, rich boy?" Phil exhaled.

"Are you happy?"

"No." Phil laughed out the word, an awkward one, as if the answer was obvious and Dan was being stupid by asking the question.

"How come?"

"You wouldn't understand. You've got money, parents, a big house, and your favorite foods cooked on a daily basis. I've got a kitten, one roommate as my only friend, and deadbeat parents."

"But you're here now. With me."

"Only temporary," Phil spoke, his voice quiet. Dan opened his mouth to reply, but shut it, closing his eyes. "Goodnight."


But they both didn't sleep that night. Not with all the thoughts running through their heads.


Dan awoke to the sound of food being cooked, pots clanging and sauces stinging when it touched the hot material. But he also heard the music. And a lot of people talking. Dan quickly sat up and shook Phil, attempting to wake him up. "Phil, wake up!"

Phil groaned. "Please don't tell me we're being robbed. I just got here."

Dan held back the urge to laugh and Phil sat up, meeting his eyes. "No. There's people outside. My parents never throw a party unless something important has happened."

"Well then what? Your dad make another million bucks?"

"Daniel, get dressed and bring Phil out with you!" Mrs. Howell called. Dan blinked. Something was off. They obliged, however, getting on their fancy clothes (Phil borrowed a tuxedo) and heading out the door. "In the kitchen!"

Nobody was out in the livingroom, but as soon as they entered the demanded room, tons jumped up and yelled, "surprise!"

"My birthday isn't until next month. You're a little early," Dan spoke, raising an eyebrow at his mother.

"Maybe so, but your wedding is this week!"

"What?" Dan and Phil said in unison.

"After meeting Phil last night, your father and I decided he's the one for you! You two will get along and he's such a delight to have a chat with. So we're throwing you a surprise engagement party!"

"That's not how it works-" Phil began to protest.

"You'll get lots of money by marrying him," Mr. Howell stepped in, and Phil instantly grinned.

"Aww, look at my fiancé!" Phil pretended to gush, squeezing Dan's cheek before throwing an arm around his shoulder. "My. . . rich fiancé."

Dan rolled his eyes and narrowed his eyes at his parents. "Mother, father. . . A word alone please?" He questioned through gritted teeth and a strained fake smile. The rest of the people in the house weren't even listening anymore, they had gone straight for the buffet table or simply shuffled away to talk to their peers.

Phil wandered away and the Howell family moved into the dining room, the loud music in the other room still audible.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What? Daniel, you knew this was coming, and your preference is boys-"

"No, not that, I mean Phil. Phil. Really? Some poor, random stranger is suddenly going to be my husband by the end of this week? We don't get along, I don't know him, and I don't love him!"

"Exactly! You'll get to know him throughout your marriage."

"That's not how marriage goes!"

"Look. We'll give you both five months. Five months, and if you still hate each other, if you still don't love him or aren't getting along then you can sign the divorce papers."

"Jared-" Dan's mother began to scold her husband, her son cutting her off.


"That's not the tradition!" Mrs. Howell whined.

"He's twenty-four, Ellen. It's the least we could do."

Dan silently thanked his father and they all left the room, Dan finding Phil stuffing his face with cake. He stomped over, glaring at the dark haired man. "Really?"

"What? This is some good ass food. Here, have some!" Before Dan could protest, Phil was shoving a slice into his mouth, Dan choking out and struggling to chew it. It hit the ground and smeared on his suit, Dan looking up and glaring. Phil smiled sheepishly, reaching out to wipe the icing off his face.

"I hate you," Dan mumbled, glaring.

"Okay, but this cake."

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