Hello ^-^

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I've been inactive on wattpad for a really really long time D: Literally, I haven't been on here since last year. Anyways, so much has happened since and I don't even know if people even read this blog anymore...? I feel like this is basically me just rambling on to myself.

But since I've last been on wattpad, as forementioned, so many things have happened. My relationship status changed from single to taken, I've lost some old friends and made some new, I dyed my hair blue, and I won second place in an art competition (which I think is quite amazing, considering the fact that I procrastinated on the piece until the night before it was due.)

Okay, now that I'm back, I actually have no idea what to write about. Idk, if whoever still reads this (which probably just might be one or two people), just leave me a comment saying "cake" or whatever, I'll appreciate it.

And I'm very very late (14 days!) But happy new years. Whoever is reading this, I wish you joy, happiness, love, money, opportunities, etc. Whatever you wish.

Evie <3
(Is that how I've been signing off on previous chapters? Idk, I forgot.)

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