Chapter 4: School n Sh*t

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So I realized that although in the description there's supposed to be daily updates for this blog, I won't have time for that because of school.

Ew. I know, right? 

I go to an IB school (International Baccalaureate), which basically means that the courses are a lot more rigorous compared to other schools.

Plus, soccer season is now starting so I have a lot less time to do homework. My school is really crazy about soccer. Literally our homecoming is centered on soccer. I'm not sure if other schools have this, but we have these *things* called Homecoming Games where our girls and boys varsity soccer teams play against another school.

We have pep rallies in the morning, and then as long as you're in a sports team it's mandatory for you to attend. 

Well, that's basically all I have to say for this entry: Instead of "daily updates," it's now going to be changed to "almost daily updates."

This blog entry is literally the most boring thing ever, so here's a not so boring video to keep you entertained:

Stay gold and eat cake,

Lots of love,

Evelyn <3

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