Chapter 5: Please read to the end

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I consider myself to be a feminist.

Although, don't get me wrong.

I don't believe I have the right to dominate the world by having two X chromosomes, instead of one X and one Y.

I'm denouncing all the fake feminists who want equal rights without equal responsibilities.

A few weeks ago, I heard about a group of so called "feminists" who were saying that women shouldn't be put in prison. Only men.

So much for gender equality.

The only reason why "feminism" has such a negative connotation is because of people like this.

True feminists want complete equality for both genders. Not just women.

Men have more rights than women, in some cases. Women have more rights than men, in some cases. There should be, no. NEEDS TO BE a reasonable balance between the two.

Anyways, while we're on the subject of feminism, I want to talk about costumes.

So, Halloween is coming up this weekend! What do you ladies want to be for Halloween? A vampire? A policewoman?

Look online google images for women's costume ideas.

I guarantee that about 70% of the results are sexy and smutty with short skirts, panty hose, and low cut tops.

What if I genuinely want to be a policewoman, without having to wear two inch skirts?

Of course, if you enjoy wearing such costumes, definitely go ahead. I'm not judging you (nor should anyone else judge you.)

I just think there should be a wider range of costume choices for women.

Aaaaand that's it. That's all I have to say about this topic for now. I'm denouncing the fake feminists and advocating for a wider range of women's costume choices.

If this chapter has offended anyone in any way pleaseee send me a message.

I'm trying to be as neutral as possible when talking about this, because this shit has broken friendships and created drama.

Anyways, eat cake, have a great Halloween! (I won't update this weekend because I have won't have wifi :((((

Evelyn <3

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