Chapter 3: Beautiful

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Hey you. yea you. The person huddling behind a screen and reading this blog entry. What do you think about beauty?

If anyone has ever called you ugly or fat or anything even remotely similar, please refer them to this blog entry. And I'll be like, fight me. Fight all five feet of me. (jk)

I'm writing this here and now to talk about how extremely disgusted I am with all the people in this world who have called other people ugly or fat.

Besides the obvious fact that it's rude and makes other people feel horrible about themselves, calling people ugly is a way for people to raise themselves up while pushing others down.

First of all, no one (and I mean this in the most sincere way possible), NO ONE. should have to feel ugly. After all, our ideas of "beauty" and "ugliness" are just the way our eyes perceive the world.

What I'm about to say next is going to sound terribly redundant. But I Promise: It's only redundant and cliche because it's true.

What doesn't matter is how you look on the outside, because what truly matters is on the inside. After all, beauty is only skin deep. *insert sparkles and rainbows here*

Not only that but, it's not like people can control how they look. Sorry guys. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but... mothers don't have computers in their wombs that allow babies to program what they're going to look like.

(So sorry you had to hear it from me).

Well, that basically concludes my rant about beauty. If you still don't believe me, there's a really lovely book by MaraudersPotterhead It's called "You are Beautiful | Self Confidence." Here's the description, which I totally agree with 100%:

You are beautiful, no matter who you are. No matter how many friends you have, what clothes you wear, what other people think. You are perfect, and you deserve life.This is a collection of inspiring quotes, stories about my life, notes, videos, and anything else to inspire self-confidence until you eventually realize how amazing you are.

So, to all the people reading this: You are beautiful, amazing, and lovely. Don't ever feel ugly because I Promise you, you're anything but.

Lots and lots of love (and cake),

Evelyn <3

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