Chapter 14: Iris?

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Barry and Iris strolled down the street linking arms, Barry couldn't help but admire her beauty her flawless skin and chocolate brown eyes.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?" Iris asked feeling Barry's eyes on her for the 4th time in five minutes.

"Im sorry" Barry apologised shaking his head and letting a cheeky grin appear on his face. "Your just so beautiful" Barry said trying to stop himself from smiling, his cheeks were staring to cramp up. 

"Aww Bare" Iris said turning to him and pulling Barry into a kiss.

"I love you Barry Allen" Iris said gazing into to Barry's eyes ,almost letting herself get lost in them.

"I love you, Iris West" Barry said about to pull Iris into another kiss when he saw a car speeding up to Iris from behind.

"Iris watch out!" Barry yelled pushing Iris out of the way put not quick enough, the bonnet of the car clipped Iris hard,not hard enough to kill her, but enough to knock her out cold, senseless.

" again" Barry said rushing to her side, Barry gently but carefully lifted Iris's limp lifeless body in to his arms, He attempted to move her but meanwhile other cars crashed into the one that hit Iris ,he could hear other cars breaking in the distance trying to stop the pile up of cars.

Barry tried again to move Iris but was too late another car plummeted into the back of the car that had hit them pushing it into Barry knocking him unconscious. . . .

Barry shot awake gasping for breath, he felt his heart racing and gripped the arms of the chair for support, he looked over as Iris she was still comatose and Joe was still asleep opposite him.

Barry rubbed his face in an attempt to get the dream out of his head. Joe stirred a little and adjusted himself in the hard uncomfortable hospital chair, he didn't wake though and Barry was glad he could see that Joe needed the rest.

Barry walked over to Joe's side slipping his phone from his pocket, Barry still had no idea what had happened to his phone. Barry looked at the time 5.27am, Barry yawned making his way to the bathroom, he looked at his reflection and knew that he felt just as bad as he looked.

Wanting to freshen himself a little Barry ran the tap and flushed his face with water, in doing so it made him feel a little better but his body ached and he was extremely stiff partially due to his injures and party due to the chair he'd slept in for the past 8 hours.

Barry remembered that he promised Caitlin that he would return to star labs after seeing Iris and Joe, but after finding out that she might be dying Barry couldn't leave and he needed Joe's support as it was the only thing except Iris that could help him when he got himself worked up and had a panic attacks.

Barry placed Joes phone on the bed side cabinet and grabbed the pen and paper which lay next to it, he wrote:

Joe thank you for last night, don't know what I would have done without you. 

Ive gone to star labs, I think I might have and idea. I'll ring you later when I find my phone. Plus I really need to shower and change i'll be back later, tell Iris I love her.


Barry finished writing the note patting himself down once more to double check for his phone, having no idea that he had smashed it against the wall the day before. Barry then walked out of the hospital and towards Star Labs, he ran for a while but kept on stopping due to exhaustion and he was almost sure his glucose levels were extremely low he hadn't had a injection in a while.

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