Chapter 11: The Dark Side

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- Star Labs -

Caitlin rushed to an unconscious Barry, regretting even letting the serum and Barry in the same room together. Cisco was right.

"Cisco" Caitlin screamed into the microphone. "I need you in the cortex now?" Caitlin said her voice laced with fear.

Cisco heard all the commotion before Caitlin asked for help and he was already on his way there. "What happened?" Cisco said now entering the room and seeing Barry unconscious and pale.

"Never mind don't answer that, I'm surprised at you Caitlin I didn't think you would have given it too him! i thought you were better than that!" Cisco said scolding Caitlin.

"Speak for yourself, he took it off me and did this too himself, besides your the one that made the serum in the first place!" Caitlin said defending herself.

"Yeah I made it with your help!" Cisco argued back.

"Stop it! Barry needs us and us arguing isn't helping anyone!" Caitlin yelled shocking both herself and Cisco.

"Sorry your right, what do we do?" Cisco asked realising that all of this was partly his fault anyways.

"Um okay grab those sticky pads there" Caitlin said pointing to the chest pads next to the vitals machine.

"Here" Cisco said shakily passing them to Caitlin.

Caitlin removed the sticky back off the pads and placed them evenly onto Barry's chest. Then she carefully plugged him into the vitals machine which instantly gave a reading. His heart may have been beating slowly but there was defiantly a rhythm.

Both Caitlin and Cisco huffed a massive sigh of relief.

"Okay thats good he's alive" Caitlin said relaxing a little.

"No it just means he's not dead yet" Cisco said bluntly.

"Cisco don't say that!" Caitlin replied.

"Well he's not yet and you his best friend should be doing everything you can to help me save his life right now" Caitlin said studying Barry's heart rhythm.

Cisco looked at Barry momentarily before looking back at Caitlin. "I'm going to call Joe, he should know" Cisco said feeling ashamed.

"Wait Cisco not yet, Joe can't handle both Barry and Iris in coma's, just wait until I figure out whats wrong!" Caitlin said pleading with Cisco.

"Fine how can I help?" Cisco asked timidly.

"Okay well help me lift him onto the bed, quickly" Caitlin demanded.

Cisco grabbed Barry's legs and Caitlin under his arms and the carefully but quickly transferred him from the ground to the bed. Both Caitlin and Cisco quickly turned there attention the the monitor above Barry which was now beeping rapidly.

"Whats happening?!" Cisco asked worried he knew something was wrong but wasn't sure what he was supposed to be looking at on the monitor.

"His hearts speeding up" Caitlin said with a smile.

"Why are you smiling, wait is he?" Cisco asked wanting to be sure the he and Caitlin were thinking the same thing.

"Yes I think he is" Caitlin said taking Barry's wrist and gently feeling his pulse to make sure that it wasn't just the machine playing up.

"Yes! The serum works!" Cisco said getting a little too giddy.

"Don't celebrate just yet we don't know if his powers will be the same as before or if he's even got them back yet, we need to wait and see if he wakes up" Caitlin said grabbing her pen torch from her pocket and checking Barry's pupil reaction.

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