Chapter 4: Not Fast Enough

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-Meanwhile at CC Jitters-

Joe felt his heart beat in every inch of his body as he barley let the car stop moving before speeding towards the doorway of jitters where he was met by several officers debating on how to approach the situation.

"What's going on?!" Joe said frantically.

"Well we've got about fifteen hostages including your daughter and what looks like one gun man" captain sing said giving Joe a sympathetic look.

"We have to get in there! Whats the plan cap" Joe said peering through the fogged cafe window.

"SWAT is on there way so just hang in there Joe, we'll get iris out don't worry!" Captain sing said giving Joe a reassuring pat on the back.


"IRIS! I'm sorry Cap I can't wait for SWAT" Joe yelled charging towards the entrance.

Joe burst through the doors with plenty of back up happily denying captains orders.

"CCPD nobody move!" Joe yelled aiming his weapon at the gunman with the other officers following his lead.

"I don't think that was such a wise idea bursting in here" the hooded man said cockily.

"Put your weapon down!" Joe said not wanting to ask again. Joe glanced over at the hostages frantically searching for his daughter.

"Looking for her" the gunman said gesturing his firearm to roof where iris was strapped to the upper floor balcony.

"Iris" Joe muttered. "You let her go now!" Joe said taking his safety off.

"Now,now,now let's not get too hasty, you shoot me and she goes with me" the man said slowly backing up the stairs towards iris.

He slowly walked over to iris and cut her ties loose. He bent down towards her and whispered in her ear. "Iris, such a pretty name"

He angrily ripped the gag from her mouth. "DAD!" Iris screamed.
Her screams were cut short as the hooded figure beat iris round the face with his gun instantly leaving her unconscious and bleeding from her head. He then dragged her limp body down the stairs and laid her infront of Joe.

"This is what you did to my brother killed him infront of me, and now I'm going to do the same to you" the man said spitting his words at Joe.

Joe had, had enough he aimed his gun and fired.

*BANG*          *BANG*

The hooded man fell to the ground and Joe kicked away his weapon before attending to his daughter.

"Iris?" Joe whimpered. "Open your eyes for me!" He pleaded.

Iris started to stirr. "D-dad" Iris groaned barley opening her eyes before shutting them again.

"It's okay now, it's over, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again" Joe said pulling his daughter close.

Iris lay there in her dads arms untill she had to be pried away by the paramedics to be checked over.

"Detective West, we're going to have to take iris to the hospital, she has quite a bad head injury and possible fractured ankle" one of the paramedics said Almost consulting Joe before taking his daughter.

"Is it okay if I ride in the back?" Joe asked still clutching at his daughters hand.

"Of course it is" the paramedic said offering a small smile.

Joe climbed into the back with Iris who tried to give him a reassuring smile as if to say "I'm okay" but Joe could see right through it.

"don't worry it will be okay" Joe said rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

The doors closed and they set off towards the hospital, Joe ran his hands over his face before pulling out his phone. He scrolled down to "B" hovering over Barry's name.

"Oh boy" he whispered before hitting dial.

-Meanwhile at Star labs-

"Barry just take it easy please!" Caitlin pleaded guiding Barry back to bed.

"Yeah man you need rest!" Cisco added.

"Guys I need to help Iris" Barry whimpered collapsing into the bed.

Cisco and Caitlin helped Barry back into bed and re-elevated his leg.

Barry lay there and let out a massive groan before resting his head back down and closing his eyes. Silence filled the room but was cut short by a phone ringing.

"Barry is Joe" Cisco said picking up the phone.

"Quick answer it! Barry said impatiently.

Cisco pressed answer and passed the phone to Barry who was now eagerly sat up in bed.

"Hello! Joe whats happened? Are you okay?! How's Iris?!" Barry ranted frantically demanding answers.

"She's doing okay we're on our way to the hospit--

"Hospital?! What's happened?!" Barry said worriedly cutting Joe off.

"Bare calm down shes going to be okay, she has a minor head injury and possible broken ankle, we're just going to get checked out I'll keep you updated i promise" Joe said trying to calm Barry best he could.

"This is all my fault" Barry muttered.

"Bare just take a deep breath I'll call you as soon as I hear anything and just do me a favour and rest yeah?" Joe said pulling up to the hospital.

"Mmmhuh" Barry moaned running his finger over the end call button.

Barry re-adjusted him self and cleared his throat.

"Barry are you okay?" Caitlin said worried by his friends silence.

"I'm fine" More silence passed and caitlin was about to ask again when Barry snapped again. "IM FINE" Barry yelled throwing his phone and watching it smash into pieces at it collided with the wall.

"Caitlin, Cisco...get me out of here now" Barry demanded.

"Barry I don't think--

"I'm not asking I'm telling you" Barry said once more.


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