Chapter 10: The Serum

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- The Hospital -

Light flooded through the curtains, making Barry wince at how bright it was. "Ugh" Barry groaned gently moving his stiff neck.

Barry opened his eyes fully this time looking around trying to make out where he was. The hospital. Barry glanced over to see Joe in the opposite chair.

"Joe"Barry said attempting to wake his dad. They must have fallen asleep here last night.

Joe stirred. Opening his eyes and wincing at the light just as Barry had. "What time is it?" Joe asked looking around for a clock.

Barry withdrew his phone from his pocket. "Um early 6am" Barry moaned wanting to go back to sleep.

"I have to get to work" Joe announced. Barry was shocked at this.

"Really, your going back to work?" Barry questioned.

"Yeah bare, need to take my mind of things, captain offered me time off, but truth is we need the money too" Joe said knowing that money wasn't really an issue, Barry knew this too but didn't argue. 

Truth was Joe wanted a distraction.

"Okay then" Barry said softly understanding in a way.

Joe stood up stretching out his tired muscles. "I'll call you when i get to work to let you know I'm okay" Joe said picking up his belongings and heading for the door. He shot Barry an sympathetic look, he knew how hard it was for him seeing Iris like this and not being able to do anything to help.

Barry smiled back. "Joe" He shouted.

"Yeah bare" Joe said re-enetering the room.

" I promise i'll protect her and i'll let you know the minute theres any news. Just have your phone on this time" Barry said with a laugh.

" Aha will do son" Joe said returning a small smirk, but deep down he regretted that he wasn't there when Iris woke up yesterday.

Joe went to work and Barry sat there and closed his eyes for a few seconds, he tried to get back to sleep but his mind couldn't stop wondering. He'd been so caught up with his speed gone and Iris being injured he hadn't stopped to think about how central city had been coping without him.

Barry pulled out his phone once more. He opened up the internet and typed in the search bar Central City News. Barry immediately regretted his choice. There were pages and pages of news articles regarding the flash and crimes that he was unable to stop.

"Where is the flash? What happened to the flash?" Barry said reading a few headlines out loud. He then came across a news report, he pressed play on the video and turned the volume up little. 

"Further news what has happened to the flash? Crime rate has gone up by 20% in the past few days the highest its been in two years and-

Barry shut off his phone he couldn't watch anymore. He didn't want too. Barry looked at Iris, then down at his leg. " I have to take the chance" Barry said to himself once more.

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