helping them.

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AJ pov

When we went into the bunker i was amazed i never thought they be living in some mansion. At first i thought they took me to the looney bin.

Because on the outside it didn't look so good it  kinda looked abandoned..

They sat my bags on one of the tables dean smiled at me “huh! You like?”

“Yes i do!” i said excitedly.

sam and dean looked at me happily “hey big sis let me show you your room” sam said

i smiled and looked at dean and he kinda looked pissed “okay little bro”

Sam and i walked down the hallway he then stopped at a door “well this is your room for however long you are staying”

i looked up at him “thank you sam for everything even though i can't remember much…”

he smiled at me while we walked in the room to put the bags on the bed “you're welcome even though i should be the one saying thank you” i tilted my head to the side like a little puppy that is confused. “You said that every time you read a page of the journal you remember that day?” i sat on the bed at looked at sam and nodded. “well it looks like you got some reading to do!”

i laughed and said “i guess i do”.

I unpacked and decided to look around. I found where the bathrooms are and the kitchen and library. I went back to the main room to find sam, dean and some girl with red hair.

“Hello peoples” i waved they all looked up at me and waved backed.

“Charlie meet alex, alex meet charlie!” dean said while pointing at each of us.

I walked up to charlie and shook her hand “hello charlie! You look really pretty and call me AJ for short”

she had the biggest smile “hi AJ, thank you and you are pretty yourself!”

i smiled at her and let go of her hand “thank you!”
Dean and sam looked at us weirdly “so whats up?” i said looking at the papers they were looking at. The papers had monsters on them.

“Well big sis there is a monster killing people and making their insides all soupy like so we are trying to figure it out” sam said.

I nodded “sounds fun do you guys need help?”

Sam was about to say something when dean cut in “no you go find out why you got zapped here..” every one looked at dean kinda shocked because he usually only acted like that to sam.

I just nodded and picked up the box of journals and walked to the other table and started looking at the journals.

An hour or so passed when they stopped talking then i heard someone say ‘go’ but i didn't think much about it. Dean sat in front of me. I looked at him and smiled then looked back down at the journal.

“Hey alex.. I'm sorry that i said that i should have been more nicer” dean said while looking down at his hands.

i looked at him kinda confused for a second because i forgot what he said “dean it's fine and plus you are just looking out for me.” i said with a smile while i put the journal down on the table.

dean looked at me funny then said “i was?”

“umhm! You only act like that to sammy boy over there when you want him to stay safe, which is why we were all so shocked when you said that to me” dean raised his eyebrows and looked at sam and charlie to see if that was true.

Sam and charlie both nodded their heads yes then sam said “dean, you do that to me all the time it was weird when you did it to Alex.”

“Well then” dean then started laughing we all looked at him crazy

“i think you need sleep..” charlie said he then nodded and went to his room

“well charlie let me show you where you be sleeping” sam said he then looked at me “big sis are you gonna go to sleep?”

i shook my head no “not yet little bro i wanna finish this journal”

“okay well i'm gonna go to sleep too so goodnight”

i smiled at him “goodnight”.

When i finished reading the journal i walked down the hallway to go to my room when i passed a door i heard little noises and being a concern person i open the door a little and it was dean. it look like he was having a bad dream he was sweating and thrashing around, his blankets were on the floor. I then open the door wider and walked over to him i put my hand on his shoulder so i can shake him awake but he grabbed my arm and with the other hand he grabbed a knife under his pillow, he put the knife to my tummy and open his eyes.

“that would of been a good idea if i was a monster but i'm not so put it down.”

his eyes widen, he then let go of my arm.“Oh my God! Alex i'm so sorry” he said trying to hide his face but i seen it and he had tears coming down. i sat on the edge of his bed and hugged him at first he was stiff put he relaxed and hugged me back and started crying on my shoulder.

After a while it seem like he fell asleep, i grabbed his hands that was around my back and got him to lay down. I got up and grabbed his blanket off the floor and put it over him.

I went to my room and got in my pajamas and started to fall asleep on my tummy when someone came in.

“pssst alex.. I don't feel good...” it was sam..

I sat up and turned the light on. When i looked at him he was dripping sweat i felt his head and he was burning up. I quickly got up. “Oh my chickens, sam you are burning up! c'mon let's get you better” he just nodded his head. I took him to the bathroom i started the shower for him “okay sam take a shower and keep it cold in a bit i will bring you clean clothes” he nodded and i walked out and shut the door.

I walked to his room and all i could think was why is he asking for my help… maybe i would help him and dean when they were sick.

I got him some sweats and a vneck t shirt and some boxers. I walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door he open it a crack and smiled. i smiled back “here you go some sweats and tshirt and some boxers if you needed them!”

“Thank you big sis, you are probably confused on why i asked you -i nodded my head yes- well because when me and dean were younger you would help us with anything we needed like if we had a bad dream or if we were sick or even with math homework... I guess i'm just really used to asking you that i couldn't stop myself to ask you this time.”

I smiled at him he took the clothes and started changing with the door still cracked so i can talk to him “well you can ask me for anything.. And when you said ‘when me and dean were younger’ i felt really old even though i'm a year older than dean..” i said sad.

sam then came out of the bathroom “okay tall person bend down a bit so i can feel your head” he chuckled a little and bend down he was still kinda warm

“Okay doc what's next?” i laughed at him

“well sammy boy what's next is you going to bed and i be there in a bit okay” he just nodded and went to his room. I went to the kitchen and got a little baggie and put ice in it i then put a towel around it so it won't be so cold and got some water for him.

I don't want him to be over heating.

I went to his room and he was already sleeping, i walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and put his water on his side table and put the ice on his head. I took the thick blanket off of him but kept the sheet on him.

I left his room when i was  about to shut the door sam mumbled a thank you. I smiled and whispered a welcome. I shut the door and walked to my room and jumped on my bed to go to sleep when i seen the clock it read four oclock..

How did helping sam and dean take that long! Then again i didn't go into my room until two in the morning.. After a while of thinking how it took so long i finally fell asleep.

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