childhood stranger.

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Hours later.. Alex pov

I was looking threw a box full of journals when i heard a knock at the door. I picked the knife up and walked to the door. i open the door just a crack to see who it was and it was sam and dean. my face lit up and i got excited that they actually came.

I open the door wider so they can come in. “hey guys i didn't think you guys would actually come! Come on in” they came in with their guns up and they went and checked every room. I just sat on the couch waiting for them to be done.

They came back into the livingroom i raised my eyebrows “you guys done?” they nodded and sat in front of me on the other couch “well i asked you guys to come because umm im not from this dimension..” i say really slowly.

They both give me a what the fuck look then sam said “can you explain because we are not following..”

I sigh “okay i'm not from this place or dimension or whatever its called i'm from a place where you guys are actors named jared and jensen--” i got cut off “wait actors?” dean said i nodded my head i sigh again “you guys know how there were books made about you guys?” they nodded “well there's a show about you two hunting demons and other monsters but that's is in the other dimension and you two are the actors, everything you did here was in the show..”

They look at each other “dean we been to that dimension before!” sam said.

Dean's eyes widen “wait when raphael was after us and balthazar zapped us there?!” sam just nodded.

i smiled “ohhh yeah i remember that episode!”

they both look at me “why do you look so familiar?” dean said i just shrugged my shoulders.

sam nodded “that's what i was thinking at the dinner”

“Maybe because we use to be good friends.. Both our dads knew each other”

“How did you--” i cut dean off “i know that because of those  *i point at the journals* every time i read a page i remember that day”

“Wait i thought you said you were not from this dimension?” asked sam

i shrugged my shoulders “i don't know maybe i was here but i got zapped to the other dimension”

sam started looking into the box of journals and pulled something out.
“Hey dean do you remember AJ?”

dean looked at sam “well yeah you two would call each other little bro and big sis, when you guys did that it pissed me off.. Why?”

sam hold up a picture frame and a journal “look, the journals have AJ’s name on them and this picture was the last day we seen her..” sam trailed off.

Dean slowly looked at me and pointed “your AJ!?”

i just shrugged my shoulders “it depends.. What does AJ stand for?”

Sam chuckled a little “you really don't remember?” i shook my head.

Dean smiled “hun the A stands for alex and the J stands for your middle name which is jane”

i nodded my head still kinda confused on the whole situation “well then.. I think i'm good now you guys don't have to help me anymore..” i said kinda stupidly because i really need their help.

“Wait what! No you are gonna live with us at the bunker, we will help you find why you are back!” dean said

i look at him amused “a bunker? Really?”

they both shrugged their shoulders “we are legasys” they both said with cheeky smiles.

Saving People.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz