Chapter 41

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Peridot was nervous as she snuck her way around the back of the school building, trying her hardest not to be seen by anyone. She checked her watch. It was 8:30 on the dot. She stood there a minute reassuring herself that what she was doing was a completely normal activity for someone her age, and was only slightly illegal. At last she quickly took a deep breath and took one final scan around to be sure nobody would see her doing this before turning the final corner.
Jasper was already there waiting. Her back resting against the wall, and hands sitting heavily in her coat pockets. She glanced over and caught the others eye. "Ah, so the Nerd actually shows." She said with a smirk. "C'mere kid. We gonna trade or not?"
Peridot gulped and nodded before practically scurrying over to her larger companion. Nibbling her lip she dug into her pocket for her bills and change, counted it quickly and shoved her fist of loose money towards the other to take. Jasper took it, counting it for herself before tossing a small rectangular box and a lighter in her general direction. Peridot awkwardly caught them and shoved them into her bag, mumbling out a "Wow, thanks Jasper." As she did so.
She heard a click and looked up to see Jasper lighting one. The vitiligo'd took a drag before her low raspy voice spoke again. "Stay and light one. Let's chat a bit Peridork."
Peridot nodded, looking over her shoulder as she pulled out a cigarette and her new lighter. She brought the filter to her lips, flicked the light, and inhaled. Removing the object from her mouth, she blew out a small cloud of smoke. "Fine. What's the topic of conversation?"
"Who else knows?" Jasper questioned
"Well, Garnet of course." She took another puff "and now unfortunately Amethyst and Pearl... the latter 2 of 3 are disapproving."
The taller frowned rolling her eyes at the last statement. "I see." She also took a drag "That bombs. So why'd you start?"
Peridot shrugged "Well I was kinda stressed, and I had just learned that Garnet smoked and started because she was stressed, and it looked really cool so I tried it." She flicked the ashes from the end onto the ground and inhaled again.
Jasper sighed shaking her head "Y'know I thought you'd be smarter than that, Peridot. But hey, whatever floats your boat." She put out her smoke on her wrist, not even wincing slightly with the pain of the burn, and chucked the rest into her box. "I'm heading in. You coming?"
Peridot nodded and decided to Mimic a Jasper by by putting it out on her wrist, however it hurt like a bitch and she yelped as a tear formed in her eye. Jasper snickered, finding it funny. When it was out she too put it back in her case, her cheeks red in embarrassment, and followed the other inside.

Hours later peridot sat down to eat her lunch with the rest of the squad. She was contently nibbling on her sandwich whilst sitting between Garnet and Amethyst, when all of a sudden a large palm slapped down on her shoulder making her jump. She looked over to see a patchy hand also laid out on Garnets arm. Jasper's voice sounded "Hey! You shits wanna go it and have a quick puff?"
Pearl Saltily crossed her arms looking away from the scene, while Amethyst growled out a "No they don't."
Peridot stood glaring at her girlfriend with a look that just screamed 'I do what I want'. "Yeah sure. Let's go."
Garnet shrugged also taking to her feet.
Lapis, confused and having being left out of the circle said something. "Jasper? Are you peer-pressuring my friends to smoke with you?!"
Peridot held up a hand "No. Lapis I'll tell you later. But the answer to that is just... no." The three of them exited the cafeteria.
Lapis turned to her remaining tablemates. "Do you guys know what's going on?"
Pearl let out a frustrated sigh. "According to my chat with Garnet last night... Garnets been signing herself up for Lung Cancer and breathing problems for a year now, hiding it from all of us like it's her alter ego or something! And apparently Jasper's been her supplier as of late..."
Amethyst continued her growling from earlier "Now thanks to G... P-dots been sucking tobacco now too. And judging by Jasper's encouragement, she's getting cash off Peri too now."
Lapis sat in quiet shock for a moment or two before "oh my god... that's-... this can't possibly be good...."

"So then I said  'Seriously Agate? I've been buying from here for like a year now. You've fucking sold to me before. You know I'm of age.' And she just pulled the 'I need a proof of age' line and so I cracked my knuckles and was like 's'my fist up your ass proof enough?' And then she sold me the packs." Jasper said explaining her struggle buying cigarettes this morning.
Peridot chuckled, puffing out some smoke as she did so "Next time just bring your wallet."
Garnet nodded "Yeah, it'd be much easier that way."
Jasper sighed, exhaling a cloud as she did so. "So this is great. Now Lapis probably knows I'm technically a drug dealer. That's going to be an interesting conversation..."
The Afro'd agreed "Probably. My talk with Pearl last night sure was." She crossed her arms. "In the end It was said I could ruin my health if I want to but she's not happy about it."
Peridot bit her lip nervously "I haven't really talked to amethyst about it since last night. I know she's still really upset with me."
Garnet placed a hand on her friend's shoulder "Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure all will be fine Peridot."
The blonde smiled shyly "you really think so?"
Jasper added "Yeah kid! I'll even try my best to convince Ams it's not so bad..."
"And if it doesn't work, I can always convince Pearl to go Poly and you can be apart of our relationship." Garnet joked.
Peridot laughed "What are you?! Gay?!"
"Very." Was the response.

Yelona growled as she answered her phone to stop its consistent ringing that seemed to be very interruptive that day. "What?!"
"Hey Yellow, my names Ruby. I was in your house yesterday with all the other flaming homosexuals. Rose passed me your digits!" Erupted from the speaker.
She let out a groan "Oh my god. I regret giving that woman my card..." after she let out a huge irritated sigh she asked "What do you want?"
"Oh! So like Rose is apparently really busy the rest of the week with her job and with the fam and such, but she said it was really important someone steps up to schedule the Peri-deal. So yeah on Tuesday a bunch of us are all coming back to your place to sit down and chat. The plan is you sincerely apologize for your homophobic comments and promise to accept your kids inner queer and we'll see about giving her back, if she wants to go back. So yeah make sure that on Tuesday at around 1pm that your decent and that you and Blue aren't doing 'le oolala' or nothing. We all felt awkward interrupting yesterday and do not want a repeat of that awkward exchange at the door." Ruby blabbered on and on. "Yeah sorry about tha-"
"What?!" Yelona interrupted. "What did you just say about... what was that about Bellu and I?"
Ruby sighed "I said make sure you're not fucking Tuesday at around 1. Keep up would ya?"
Silence before "You.... did you just assu-... We are not gay!"
"Hey now, no need to be ashamed, nobody's judging you Yellow. Sapphy and I've gotten caught in the lesbo-act before too. It's not a big deal. Happens to the queerest of us! So yeah Tuesday, 1pm... halt the sex so we can talk about Peri. Bye!" The line went dead. The other had hung up on her.
Yelona stared at the phone for a minute in silence before erupting with a loud frustrated growl and slamming the phone down onto the table. She then stomped over to her living room and heavily seated herself down on the couch as if pulling a toddlers hissy-fit.
Bellu glanced over "What was that about?" She asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.
"That Ruby woman. She's very frustrating. Insists we're a couple of sex craving closeted lesbians or something." Was the muttered response.
Bellu laughed "Can't exactly blame her. The situation they'd walked in on was rather.... interesting and quite intimate as well..." She watched the others eyes widen in realization and then furrow again. The previously mourning women let out a sigh. "Do you want me to pet your hair? That usually calms you down."
Yelona puffed out a yet another frustrated little sighed and allowed herself to fall sideways so her head lay in the other lap. She felt the others fingers starting to brush though her hair and soothingly over her scalp. After a moment she spoke again "You know... the only reason any of last night happened was because I was still tipsy and I wanted you to feel better..."
Bellu frowned. And the actions from the afternoon before began to reply in her mind. The remembered the how the awkwardness had turned to confidence, and how the curiosity transformed to sincerity in a matter of minutes. The gentle touches, the thoughtful words, the bliss... but most importantly that special glitter in the other woman's eye. Her soft smile returned as she made a soft and comfortable eye contact with the head in her lap. "Are you so sure about that, Yellow...?"
A comfortable silence with only a hint of tension formed as Bellu's hands worked though her companies hair. At last a soft sigh was heard and a palm was brought up to caress the blue-eyed woman check. "I'm the biggest hypocrite to ever exist aren't I?"
Blue stooped lower, and the blonde strained herself upwards for their lips to softly and sweetly meet for a brief few seconds.
"Most definitely" Bellu chuckled softly under her breath.

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