Chapter 6

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"Gross... My sister likes you." Amethyst cringed "I feel so bad for you Peri."
Lapis looked to Amethyst "why do you feel bad for her? Jasper doesn't seem that bad..."
The purple-eyed teen snorted out a small laugh "that's because you've never lived with her! Aw man she's the worst!"
"What makes her so bad?" Lapis questioned
"Well Sh-" amethyst was cut off by Peridot
"It doesn't matter. I'm not into her, so I never need to know. I'll just tell her that I'm uninterested and the situation will resolve. We'll never have to speak of this again."
Amethyst shook her head "She'll think you're playing hard to get and continue to flirt with you. That's what happened when she liked Garnet last year."
The blue haired teen looked surprised "She had a thing for Garnet? How'd that turn out."
Amethyst chuckled "she kept flirting and Garnet got really pissed off and annoyed. After about a week G punched her and nearly broke her nose. Jasper made the mistake of mumbling the word 'hot' and ended up with a concussion."
Peridot winced "Ouch... However she did deserve it. But I don't understand why Garnet was so brash and obstinate about it... Did something happen before then?"
The snow-haired girl shrugged "from what I've heard, no. I guess Garnet just doesn't like Jasper at all."
Peridot nodded "understandable. To be totally honest, Jasper makes me highly uncomfortable. If she were harassing me I'd attempt to defend myself as well."
Lapis decided to end the conversation "want yo watch a movie of something now?"
They other two agreed on watching a movie and the three of them went to choose one. They agreed on the movie 'Megamind'.
By the time the movie was over they had all fallen asleep.
Amethyst woke up the next morning only to find Peridot cuddled up to her fast asleep. The purple-eyed teen blushed lightly at this, thought she hadn't a clue on why her face was reddening. 'Why am I blushing?' She mentally questioned herself 'I mean it's not like I like her or anything...' She thought before Lapis's giggle pulled her away before she could have a mental debate.
"That's so cute" the blue-haired girl giggled.
"I guess so..." Amethyst whispered "but my arm is totally numb. It's kinda uncomfortable."
"Should we wake her up?" Lapis asked
Amethyst thought for a couple of seconds before whispering back "Nah let her sleep. She probably needs it."
"But your arm?" The mirror-eyed pointed out.
"I'll live." The other replied wit a shrug "And as you said, she's kinda cute when she's sleeping."
Lapis smirked "You like her." She teased.
Amethyst rolled her eyes "No... Well... Maybe?" She paused "I'm not really sure. I haven't really thought about it that much." She shrugged a second time. "I mean I just met you guys and all, and I'm happy with us just being a group of friends, y'know?"
Lapis nodded understanding "you don't want to make a decision too soon only to find out later it wasn't what you wanted. Right?"
"Yeah." The purple eyes girls hushed response came "No telling any of this to Peri alright? I don't want to mess with her feelings or nothing. Got it?"
"Yeah I get it. If I did tell her she'd either have her hopes up or be freaked out depending on her feeling for you." Which lapis already knew, though she didn't tell. "Either way it might result in a broken friendship."
Amethyst nodded "and that's not what we want."
"Correct." Lapis smiled softly "now let's talk about Jasper again. I'm curious to know what's so bad about her."
"Why?" Amethyst thought before chuckling "Do you like her or something."
Lapis snorted out a small laugh of false disgust "As if. I just never got an answer yesterday and it's made me wonder."
"Kay, whatever you say bookworm" amethyst rolled her eyes "For one she's really annoying. She always picks on me and refuses to leave me alone. Jasper's also a really big slob, a bigger one than me, and she expects me to do all the cleaning. Me? Clean?Yeah right! Especially not up after her."
Lapis took the information in "isn't that how all sisters are though?"
"No way. She's at least 6 times worse."
The two hadn't noticed how loud they had gotten until Peridot started to stir.
Green eyes fluttered open to see nothing but dark purple fabric "Hm?" She hummed out before yawning and pulling away from what she was unaware of to be her human pillow. Peridot rubbed her eyes with one hand before looking to see what she had cuddled up to in her sleep only to find...
"Amethyst?!" She pushed away blushing madly "ah... I-I'm sorry..." She stuttered "I didn't mean to get so uncomfortably close! I do it a lot in my sleep, I should've warned y-"
"Peri, chill. It's cool." Amethyst's voice interrupted her "Pearl used to do that all the time. I'm used to it. Don't worry."
"Oh.... Alright." The blonde sat up "so you're not-" interrupted again
"Well my arms a little numb, but that's not really the point. I'm not mad, don't worry."
The small nerd took a moment to steady her breathing "You're positive?"
Amethyst nodded "Yep. Think of it like this, if I wasn't I would've woken you up earlier."
Peridot nodded "Right, I get it. Got it. Yup." She had to calm down a little. She just had to breath and calm down...
"And you we're way to cute to wake up."
Well shit. Peridot's face heated up once again, and as before, her breathing quickened.
While all this was happening Lapis sat irritated that once again peridot interrupted her learning on Jasper, thought she did her best not to show it and smiled as she stuck her nose in her book again.
AN: sorry for the long wait and the short chapter guys, I've just been having a bit of writers block lately. I have ideas for future chapters but not ways to build up to them.... Besides I'd like to get you guys involved in some way... If you have any suggestions, or questions please comment here or on my suggestion/ask box story. Thank you.

Highschool Relations (Human Au & highschool Au for Steven universe)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن