Chapter 12

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Peridot lay in bed, staring at her basement ceiling, thinking to herself about her new relationship with Amethyst. She sighed softly, ever since she had came home, all she could think of was what her mother had said to her on the way home.
A few hours prior:
The four teen girls sat on Amethyst and Jasper's livingroom floor eating pizza when suddenly somebody's phone rang. They discovered it to be Peridot's phone and the nerd was excused into another room to speak with the caller in private.
"Hello?" Peridot answered.
"Peridot! Where are you? Did you attend school today?" It was her worried yet still angry mother.
Peridot decided to reply honestly "I'm at Amethyst's house with Lapis and Amei's older sister Jasper. And no, it was a snow-day. School was canceled."
There was a moment of silence before there was a reply "Are there any adults around?"
The blonde sighed knowing the answer wasn't going to please her mother but answering honestly again. "If you're asking if Amethyst's parents are around, then no, Amethyst and Jasper live by themselves from what I understand."
"So there's no adult supervision?!" Asked the familiar angry voice.
Peridot immediately shot back with "Jasper's an adult! Technically speaking... Besides its not like we're doing anything inappropriate. We're watching movies and playing games and stuff. Nothing bad." Yelona wasn't hearing any of it. "I want you home immediately!" A pause full of barely audible mumbles about the weather before "What's the address?! I'm coming to get you!"
Peridot sighed again knowing arguing wasn't going to help and told her mother the address and apartment number. Within minutes there was a knock at the door. The green-eyed teen stood and headed over. When she opened it she was met with her mother's piercing glare. Yelona glanced around the room as Peridot grabbed her the last of her things. "Bye guys." She muttered
"Peace Nerd" Jasper replied focusing on the movie.
"See you at school tomorrow Peri" Lapis smiled softly
"Byyyyeeee" Amethyst chuckled before sending a glare to Yelona "sorry you're moms such a buzzkill" she muttered.
Once in the car Peridot sighed heavily "I don't understand why I'm unable to hang out with my girlfriend, her sister, and my best friend on a snow day." She grumbled.
"I'm just looking out for you Peridot. Mother knows best." Came a Know-it-all reply
Peridot crossed her arms "I'm beginning to doubt that statement."
As they approached a red light the blonde could feel her mother's eyes on her before hearing her voice again "I'm serious. You're most likely just going to end up heartbroken, feeling used, and crying in pain. You shouldn't rush into these kinds of things. Its unhealthy."
Peridot's eyes widened as she suddenly sat up and exploded with anger "Amethyst wouldn't hurt me like that! You know nothing about her or us or anything for that matter!" She growled "So you can just shut up!"
There was a long moment of silence "You have no right to speak to me like that. You're grounded for two weeks."
Was her mother right? Would this just end in heartbreak? Would Amethyst end up hurting her? No... It didn't seem possible.... But maybe....
Peridot sighed as she sat up and headed upstairs for dinner. Maybe a meal would help to ease her mind.
After dinner Peridot decided to check her phone before it'd be taken away. She had a text from Amethyst. «yo sup?»
She replied «I got grounded. I have about 30 minutes until my mom starts to take my stuff away.»
«that blows.»
«yeah I know. So what are you doing?» Peri asked
«Nothing really... Just sitting here awkwardly as Jasper and Lapis cuddle and shit. Wish you were still here...»
«Trust me, I would if I could. I'd much rather be having fun with you than sitting here all alone.» Peridot stared up at her ceiling again. She heard her mother call her name. It was time to say goodbye to all her electronics. She sighed and sat up getting ready to go upstairs again. Her phone buzzed.
«You'll be @ school tomorrow right?»
Peridot quickly replies with a «yes. Gotta go... Bye» before going to face her mother again.
"Peridot." Yelona said in her calm yet angry tone "I want you to put all your games in garbage bags. I'll keep them in my room until I feel you're able to have them back."
"Yes mother" Peridot sighed grabbing the black bags from their drawer. "What about my phone and computer?"
"Put your phone on the table now" There was a long pause before she figured out what to do about the computer "and I'll be taking your mouse and keyboard so put those in a bag too."
Peridot obeyed. She put her phone on the table and retreated into the basement to bag her things. An hour later she came up with multiple clunky and heavy bags of electronics and games. She placed them in her mother's bedroom and went back downstairs to go to sleep.
The next day Peridot got to school early and sat at the table. Garnet and Pearl came over within a few minutes and sat down.
"You're here early Peridot." Garnet observed as Pearl flipped open her text book
"Are you studying too?" The blue eyed asked
Peridot shook her head. "My mom made me come early as punishment. I've been grounded for two weeks."
"Why" both girls questioned.
Peridot sighed "I started dating Amethyst, ran away, and spent the night at a house 'without adult supervision.'. Apparently Jasper is not an adult in my mothers book."
Pearl and garnet glanced to each other and then back to Peridot. "Well, it's good that you and Amethyst got together..." Pearl began "though I suppose I kind of see why you're mother would be angry...."
Garnet butt in "You were unsupervised with your girlfriend for a full night. Things may have happened."
"But they didn't!" Peridot defended "We wouldn't.... Not this early in the relationship. I told my mother that.... She's just being judgmental and should learn to trust me and quit jumping to conclusions!" She crossed her arms and huffed
Garnet placed a hand on Peridot's shoulder "she's just worried for you and trying to protect you. Even if there's no real threat, she feels as if she needs to keep you safe."
"Well it's not exactly helping, it's just hurting me in. The sense where I feel she doesn't trust or believe in me."
Pearl gave garnet a look which told the other not to bother the blonde before checking the time. They still had a good 15 minutes before class started. "Amethyst should be getting here soon... She usually gets her 10 to 20 minutes before classes." She stated
As predicted no more than a couple seconds later Amethyst came over and sat next to Her Girlfriend. "Hey Peri."
The blonde nerd looked over "Hey."
"So Peridot, I know it's probably not the best idea, but you wanna come to my place tonight?" The snow-haired asked
Peridot was about to decline when she was stopped by a quick kiss. She blushed softly "s-sure..... You know, I don't really care anymore. It's not like I can get grounded much worse."
Amethyst nodded "yeah, that's true." She looked around "Hey? Where's Lapis? She's usually here by now..."
Pearl, Garnet, and Peridot started looking around too. Pearl spotted her sitting on a tabletop, the centre of attention in a conversation with the jocks. Pearl pointed to her "what's she doing over there?"
"She's kinda going out with Jasper now... I guess she's just introducing herself to some of Jasper's friends..." Amethyst shrugged as she informed.
"Oh?" Both Pearl and Garnet responded sounding surprised.
Peridot joined the conversation "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Besides her and Jasper appear to have good chemistry. Lapis'll be fine. I think."

An: sorry for such a long wait, I was distracted for quite a few days... I hope this kinda makes up for it... I doubt it though. Sorry.

Highschool Relations (Human Au & highschool Au for Steven universe)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang