Chapter 11

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AN: I honestly had no idea what to write next, but I want to give you guys another chapter. So I'm just gonna continue on from where I left off and see where it goes.
AN2: It's just a filler. Nothing really happens. I really didn't know where I wanted to go....
Lapis's Mother said she could stay, considering it was already late, and had recently started to snow quite heavily. Jasper excused herself to go change into her sleepwear. She was nervous. Jasper had realized over the last few days that she really liked Lapis. She was more into Lapis than she'd been into any other girl before. She really didn't want to fuck up her chances this early on by doing something completely stupid.
She changed into a pair of boxer-briefs, and a tank-top before asking Lapis if she wanted to borrow a shirt to sleep in.
"Would your clothes even fit me?" Lapis asked from the other room
"It'd be like a nightgown. It'd be cute." The jock responded.
Footsteps could be heard approaching the door "Fine, I'll borrow one." She stopped outside the door "Am I safe to come in?"
Jasper dug through her drawer for a shirt "Yeah I'm decent. It's cool."
Lapis entered Jaspers bedroom and closed the door behind her. She looked The jock up and down and smirked in approval "Boxers huh? Hot."
Jasper could feel her cheeks heating up again "Really? I just find them comfortable.... You know?"
The bluenette nodded "Yeah? Well they look good on you."
Jasper turned to face her and held out a faded blue t-shirt with a shark on it. "Here. You can change in here, I'll wait outside."
"If you wanna stay, you can. I don't really mind. I have underwear on anyway, it's not like you'll see anything."
Jasper's face went red "N-no it's fine. I-I'll just go out in the hall..."
Lapis chuckled "Fine, go if you want. Jeez, for someone with such a tough exterior you sure are shy."
"Shut up" the other said as she left the room.
A couple minutes later Jasper was informed she could re-enter the room, which she did. Lapis sat on the edge of Jasper's bed in the over sized shirt with her hands folded in her lap. She looked so cute. Jasper was nearly unable to take it. The jock sat next to her awkwardly. Lapis smiled softly as she ran her hand over a light blotch on Jasper's arm. She admired her vitiligo. She thought it was beautiful. "Your skin is really pretty... I mean that in the least creepy way possible." Jasper smiled softly before frowning "most people find it revolting and ugly."
"Not me." Lapis looked up to meet her eyes "I think you're beautiful."
Jasper blushed and ruffled Lapis's hair "You need to stop saying things like that. It's way too cute. I don't know how much more I can take." She chuckled softly. "We should probably try to sleep soon." Lapis nodded in agreement as she yawned. They crawled under the covers and ended up cuddling close together before drifting off the sleep.
In the morning the four girls were informed they had a snow day. Seeing as School was canceled, both new couples had went back to bed to cuddle for a bit.
Amethyst and Peridot lay in bed simply talking.
"You're warm." Peridot pointed out
"That's good." The tan girl replied
The blonde nodded in agreement "it's very comforting. I enjoy it."
"Same." There was a few seconds of silence "man I'm so glad school was canceled today."
Peridot nodded "same."
More silence. Neither of them knew what to say or do. Jasper stood in the doorway and chuckled "Lapis was right, you are shy and awkward."
Amethyst rolled her eyes "what do you want?"
The vitiligo'd jock held up an empty coffee mug "want some? I'm making a pot now."
Amethyst though it over "yeah I'll take one." She looked to Peridot "you want a coffee?"
Peridot nodded "yes please."
Jasper headed back to the kitchen to make everyone a coffee. Lapis sat at the table, waiting patiently.
A few minutes later Amethyst and Peridot came out and sat at the table, hand in hand. Jasper gave each of them a cup of black coffee, sugar and cream sat on the table for them to help themselves to.
Once they were all satisfied with the taste of their beverages the sat quietly.
"So." Peridot started "how was your night?" She spoke to lapis and Jasper
The jock smiled softly "It was cute as fuck."
The bluenette giggled and another smirk had formed on her lips "Yes. Especially from my point of view."
Jasper blushed softly and tried to hide behind her mug. "Fucking stop saying really sly cute shit already." She growled
"Impossible. I'm sorry." Lapis turned her attention to Amethys and Peridot "How about you guys? How was your night?"
Amethyst shrugged "okay, I mean we both passed out rather quickly."
The small blonde nerd nodded "yeah nothing happened."
Jasper leant back in her chair, calm and cool once again. "That's good. You don't want things to happen too soon. The longer you wait the better."
Amethyst laughed "says the one who lost her virginity when she was like 12"
Jasper sat up straight "I was 13 and I regret that decision entirely!" She barked. "Seriously don't do it until your 100% positive you're ready."
Lapis smiled softly in agreement to what the jock had just said "I agree"
"Yeah, yeah, we get it." The younger sister replied as she wrapped an arm around Peridot's waist. "Right?"
The small nerd blushed softly as she nodded "Correct. Understood."

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