Chapter 2

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It turns out Amethyst, Peridot and Lapis had their very last class period together so they were able to figure out what the after school plan was going to be.
"Library?" Lapis suggest after moments of thoughtful silence between the three
"Nah, libraries are lame." Amethyst said rolling her eyes. "We gotta go somewhere fun, like..." She thought a second before coming up with something "like the paintball park!"
Peridot looked to the snow-haired teen "No way in hell am I going there. I'd rather not be shot at with colourful balls of pain."
Amethyst gave her a bored stare "Well then where do you suggest we go nerd?"
"One of our houses would be a good place to go to converse about ourselves. How about we try that." The green-eyed geek said with an eye roll
The other two contemplated the idea. "That makes sense" lapis nodded
"Can't be at my place. My older sister, Jasper's having her weird jock friends over tonight." Amethyst explained
The blue haired girl spoke again "We can't go to my house either, I live too far for us to walk there."
Peridot sighed "Alright, my place it is then"
The three of them agreed on going to Peridot's house and continued on their assignments.
An hour or so later they were about to leave when suddenly Amethyst heard her name being called.
"Amethyst! Wait!" It was Garnet
Amethyst turned around "Oh hey G, what's up?"
Garnet dug through her bag, grabbed something and handed it to Amethyst "Huh?" The purple-eyed teen looked at her hand to find Animal Crossing on 3DS. "Oh hey! My game! I've been looking for this for months! Where was it?" She asked
"Pearl found it under her bed, she figured you dropped it there last time you two had a slumber party." Garnet shrugged "She meant to give it to you at lunch but forgot to."
"Oh" Amethyst stated. She could see Pearl leaning against her locker in the background watching them. The Ginger must've thought Amethyst was still mad at her and had sent Garnet over instead. "Tell Pearl I said thanks."
The afro'd teen nodded "Will do. Well I've got to get going. See you tomorrow"
"Yeah, see ya." Amethyst gave a small wave before turning back to Peridot and Lapis who both looked utterly confused . "What?" She asked them
"You hang out with Garnet?" Lapis asked and got a nod in response "but she's one of the coolest girls in school!"
"And your point is? I've known her since third grade." Amethyst responded
"I'm pretty sure Lapis means that you don't really seem the type to hang around with someone so popular. From what we've gathered on you today you seem very independent and 'chill' compared to people like Garnet and Pearl." Peridot said calmly. "Now let's get heading over to my house now. Shall we?"
Amethyst and Lapis nodded
"Yeah, let's roll" Amethyst replied as lapis said nothing. They left the school building to go to Peridot's.
"Wait, so you have the whole basement to yourself?" The tan, purple-eyed teen asked in amazement as the three headed down some stairs in Peridot's house. Peridot responded with a nod before amethyst continued "That's so cool!" They reached the bottom of the stairs and Amethyst looked around.
They entered what appeared to be an entertainment room. Posters for games, books, movies, and television series' plastered the walls. There was a couch in the middle that faced a wall-mounted flat screen tv. Below the flat screen was a rather large Box Tv obviously from the 90's. The flat screen was hooked up to an Xbox 360, a PS4 and a Wii U, meanwhile the box tv was attached to an old N64 at the moment. There were other consoles for the box tv on the shelves next to it. Like the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Game cube. A large bookshelf stood against the wall to the right of the couch, packed with video games. A matching bookshelf was on the other side, this one holding a large quantity of books. In the far left corner of the room was a pretty fancy desktop computer and on the opposite end parallel to the computer desk was what was once a bar but had now been converted into a simple snack area. There was a small fridge with a freezer and even a microwave. Between the computer and the bookshelf there was a door to a small simple bathroom with a stand up shower, sink and toilet. Peridot's bed and dresser were under the stairs.
"Whoa! You have it made down here Peri! It's like you're own little Nerd-cave. This is amazing!" Amethyst was in total awe. She'd never seen anything like this. She wished she could have something like this for herself though didn't say it aloud.
Lapis giggled lightly "I had a similar reaction the first time I came down here too." The mirror-eyed teen walked over to the book shelf and put the book she'd read throughout the day in an empty space before beginning to look at the titles of other books. She was shy, and quite the bookworm. Amethyst could tell that.
Peridot sat comfortably on her couch and looked to her collection of game controllers "Hey Amethyst? Do you want to play something?" She asked "You can pick the game."
Amethyst went over to the game shelf and looked over the game titles. She saw one she recognized "Heh, Mortal Combat Xbox 360?" She offered
The blonde looked over to the the other with a smirk "Are you challenging me?"
"Fight me!" The purple-eyed one exclaimed
"I accept your violent offer." Peridot grabbed a controller and started setting things up. Amethyst plopped on the couch after putting the disk in and grabbed a controller for herself.
Lapis joined them on the couch with a book and began to read silently as their game began.

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