An unusual situation (nagito komaeda x Hajime hinata)

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Komaeda looked up at hinata his hands tied behind his back made it hard to move freely so he had no choice but to lay back on his boyfriends bed when lightly pushed

When he first came here little over an hour ago he hadn't expected this, like normal couples they watched movies, hung out, made out and yeah they'd even had sex a few times but things had never progressed quite like this

He blinked, hinata had never been so bold, to tie komaedas hands behind his back, push him on the bed, straddle him and demand he let him take control

Well it was quite surprising but here they were and he couldn't say that he minded it

He thought back on how things had progressed to this

Komaeda remembered the shock of hinata drawing his hands behind his own back it had been such a strange thing to do "no touching" such a sensual whisper followed by the taunt feeling of rope rubbing against the fabric of his open shirt

It snagged on the small amount of exposed flesh at his open cuffs and komaeda giggled this was oddly strange for his boyfriend to do

As he felt it tighten though he offered no resistance allowing his cute love to do as he pleased curious as to where this would go

Once the knot was tied securely but not to tight komaeda moved his arms to test how far he could move, it gave him barely any room to twitch his arms at all and the movement would cause an uncomfortable rubbing on his exposed skin so he relaxed smiling at hinata wondering just what he would do

Things started slowly hinata leaning in shyly to connect their lips which komaeda eagerly accepted, since he couldn't indulge himself with touching hinata like he usually would he instead put all his passion into their kiss leaning closer as he craved more skin to skin contact

Their lips pressed together gently moving against each other as hinatas own hands wandered to komaedas open shirt slipping inside as he went to pull away

Stubbornly komaeda bit his bottom lip securing it between his teeth, he instead drew him closer entwining their tongues in a demandingly deep kiss

This kiss lasted what felt like meer moments to komaeda before hinata managed to pull away giving him a scolding look "I said I'm in charge"

Although he blushed deeply and was obviously quivering he stated that without a single faultier in his light voice

His stern gaze didn't leave komaedas who simply grinned "I understand" he finally confirmed as hinata got restless in his lap squirming slightly

Seemingly satisfied with his answer he continued ,his fingers in komaedas shirt pulled him closer before he moved the garment further down to his shoulders exposing more of his pale flesh

He paused a moment to put feather light and appreciative kisses along komaedas shoulder blade moving up to the edge of his neck before pulling back to strip off his own shirt

He flushed at komaedas intense gaze on him but still brought his hands up, eyes closing slowly he began to softly touch his nipples

He remembered all the little tricks and spots komaeda paid attention to ,gasping softly with each graze against one of those spots

His eyes fluttered slightly and he was sure he had turned red, komaedas intense gaze was still on him watching closely as if he were intrigued

Flushed and embarrassed hinata was quick to get up ,his back still turned to his lover, he slowly began to remove his remaining clothes till he was left with nothing

Once again he straddled komaedas waist eyes downcast anything to avoid that intense gaze

He played with komaedas belt a little before beginning to undo it that's when he leant closer

One shots & poemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora