Chapter 15

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"-ter many years of persuasion I finally got to go to a public school and I've got to admit, it's not that great, but neither are private schools with the un-" Dillon was obviously talking, telling me his life story as we skied down the last stretch of the trail. All I could think about was how or if I should tell him-

-well obviously I should tell him, but now couldn't be the right time. He seems so carefree and happy right now, and if I were to tell him, I can just imagine the cold stare and the silent treatment all over again.

"Babe, where have you been?" I looked over my shoulder to see Austin walking out of the café with a drink in hand. it looks like I wouldn't have to worry about telling Dillon thanks to Austin's distraction. "And why are you with this jerk, isn't he the guy who-"

I cut him off before he could embarrass himself, "He knows, Austin." I gave a meek smile to Dillon, silently apologizing for Austin and whatever comes out of his mouth. "Austin, this is Dillon. Dillon, meet Austin."

A couple of moments passed by of awkward silence and stares until Dillon broke the ice. He extended his arm to Austin. Austin firmly shook hands with Dillon then turned to me. "Can I talk to you inside, Kylie?" I saw him glance in Dillon's direction. "Alone."

I gave Dillon a look that read "Sorry about him." While he just winked and smiled back before making his way to the lodge.

I followed Austin up the stairs to the restaurant, "You can't date him, Kylie, you promised me."

"I promised I would help you get Alex jealous, but that didn't work, what else can you possibly need me for?" We looked at each other for a long time in our own bubble of silence.


"Excuse me losers, but could you please stand anywhere else besides right in front of the door?" An obnoxiously loud voice boomed from behind me.

Austin wanted to make her jealous, right? Well if everything else wasn't working then there was only one other thing to try.

I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face uncomfortably close to mine, but surprisingly, Austin made the first move. I closed my eyes and let the moment sink in. The moment would've seemed so cute and perfect and romantic, if you didn't realize that we didn't even like each other, and this was just an act to win back his ex-girlfriend.

Austin pulled at my waist while putting one last moment of the kiss before he broke the kiss. I kept my eyes looking over his shoulder, surveying who had saw that, making sure that I didn't see Dillon. I was still looking when I felt Austin kiss my cheek and whisper, "Let's go upstairs," soft enough so that the whole room didn't hear, but loud enough so that Alex surely heard.

We walked to the elevators that would take us up to our floor, but as I glanced over my shoulder I stole a look at Alex, the 'unbreakable' heartbreaker whose eyes were becoming glossier with each step Austin and I took.

"Austin..." I said while trying to see his face which was stone cold facing the doors.

"I know, I saw the tears too." And with that the doors opened and we were at our floor.

I began to open my door when I heard Austin slam the door to his room behind him. I turned and placed my back to my door and stared at his door. Thinking that maybe if I stared long enough that I could figure out what was going on behind that wooden door. I got my answer a short while later when I heard was sounded like someone punching one of the beds.

I took a deep breath and tried to gain enough strength to walk the four steps over to his door. The replaying sounds of punches fueled my energy and I took grasp of the doorknob and lightly turned it, finding it unlocked. I opened it and found Austin, shirtless, kneeling over the end of his bed with his head in arms. With each breath he took, the muscles in his back tightened and loosened. I didn't know if he heard the door open, or me enter, but I walked the carpeted floor and sat next to him leaning against the bottom of the bed.

I watched the clock under the TV change 5 times before Austin shifted so that he was sitting next to me.

"When are you going to tell him, Kylie?" Austin and Matt hung out in the same circle of friends, Austin knew everything about the accident. I felt tears start to fill my eyes now just thinking about hurting Dillon with the news.

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