Chapter 5

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I woke up early so that I could get outside on the newly groomed slopes. I tied my long brown hair into a French braid, washed my face and got into my skiing outfit. I practically ran out of my room, quickly glanced down the hall and when I came to the conclusion that everyone else was still asleep, I got into the elevator and made my way down to the lockers.

Since I'm a member at the resort I have my own locker to hold my boots, skis, and polls. I glanced down at my watch, it was 7:30, perfect. I skied over to the first chair lift and wanted for my turn.

"Excuse me miss, mind if I join you?" I wasn't sure if this was directed towards me so I turned to face the stranger.

"Oh yeah, sure," I obliged. The chair lifts could fit three people and it would've gotten lonely if I had to sit by myself.

Our turn came shortly and we headed up. I lifted my goggles off my eyes and onto my helmet and turned to the stranger.

"Hi I'm Kylie," I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

He extended his hand in response and then lifted his own goggles off which gave me a peek at his facial features.

His eyes were a dark brown, making them appear black. "Dillon," he said as he pulled down his face mask.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, admiring his facial features. I bet he had a girlfriend back at home.

The entire ride up we talked about ourselves and I learned that he was a senior at a public high school not too far from mine, had two little siblings, a huge Red Sox fan, and most importantly he was single. We wound up staying with each other practically the whole morning until I told him that I should get back and join my friends for brunch at the hotel.

"Hey Kylie, can I get your number so we could do the same thing tomorrow?" Dillon asked.

Without any hesitation I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. "How long are you staying?" He asked as he typed his number into my phone.

"Just for a week, then we have to get back to this thing called school," I laughed as he rolled his eyes at my smart ass comment. "I'll see you tomorrow Dillon!" I smiled as I went into the restaurant.

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