Chapter 9

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Once Dillon was inside, I heard Austin chuckle to himself. "You think this is funny?!" I yelled at him. That anger that I had for Alex came right back and I let it all out on Austin. To be fair he did deserve most of it. "First I do you a favor by getting your ex girlfriend back who doesn't even want you back! Then I try to stick up for you when she made you look like a loser! Oh and what did I get there?? I get told off by her about my DEAD boyfriend. And you thought the best way to console me was to kiss me which I never wanted/intended to do! And NOW a great guy comes into my life and you ruin it for me! And after all this you think you have to decency to laugh?!" I was full blown outraged. "Why do you even care about her?? She's obviously doesn't care about you anymore!" It took me a minute to process what I had said but when I did my hands flew up to cover my mouth. I knew I had a right to be mad, but I took it too far by mentioning Alex.

Austin turned to look at me. I couldn't read any emotion from his face. After a good couple of seconds he spoke, "Did it ever cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, that this whole thing was just a plan to get you to like me? And that maybe, it's never been about Alex and I just needed an excuse for you to date me, even if it was fake?" with that he left me outside by myself and he walked into the restaurant.

I've lost two guys in less than an hour. Awesome.

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