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if you had a choice between, a life that will probably hurt a lot of people and death, which will hurt you a lot. what would you choose? well i didn't get a choice, why? you ask, because i was turned by a guy i fell in love with, which is a vampire and his name is Sebastian Vince and my name is Katherine Drake and this is The Beginning.

"Kat you should be afraid, you don't want me. want I am will make you be afraid of me and I cant, the thought of you hating-" "you cant say that, you don't know what i'll in love with you" I stepped closer to him and kissed him, he kissed back, his hands grabbed at my shirt and mine went up into his hair. he kissed down my neck and felt a pinch of pain. pulling back and I saw blood-my blood on his lips, the blood running down his chin and neck. i looked back up and screamed-

i woke up sweating and looked at the clock and seen it was 3:00 am. couldn't sleep again because of that dream, so i got up, showered and walked in my room wrapped my hair and body in a towel and looked in my closet for my uniform and got it out, put it on and blow dried my hair, put my make-up on, which was black shadow and liner that made my ice blue eyes pop and after i was done, i walked down stairs and saw my dad sleeping. beer cans all around him. sighing, i walk over to him and picked them all up and then made me a bowl of coco puffs and ate it, after I put the bowl in the sink and grabbed my keys and walked out to the garage door. seeing my beautiful black Dodge Charger. i smiled and got in, turned the key, i backed up and drove to work (by the way I work at stake and shake. I wash the dishes) listing to Black Veil Brides and Sleeping With Sirens.

as soon as I got there I turned the car off grabbed the keys and got out, i locked the car and walked into what I call HELL'S KITCHEN and got to work...


hours flew by and my shift was over, so I said bye to everyone and walked to my car, unlocking it, i got in and started to drive to my best friend Vara's house. 

parking in the drive and walked up the steps and knocked on the door and Vara's brother, Chase opened it. "don't you ever come and just visit me?" he aksed and he lent against the door from. i laughed.

"the world doesn't revolve around you." i laughed, he nodded and walked to the living room, so I went up the stairs to Vara's room. the last door on the right. i knocked before opening it, walking into a purple room with posters of Andy from the band BVB and some of SWS. a Girl with blue and neon green hair (Vara) at on her bed reading a Manga. when she seen me and grin graced her lips "so did you have that dream again or did you come to hang with me?" she asked sarcastically. i laughed at her pout. 

"stupid damn dream again, this time it woke me up at three a.m. am i ever going to get any sleep? if I don't figure out why I am have the same damn dream every night, i think i might go crazy" 

"but i thought you were crazy?" Vara asked sarcastically. i glared at her and flicked her forehead. she grabbed her forehead with a pout. "so anything new?" she asked. "yeah he bit me, there was blood everywhere" i tell her. she had a curious look on her face. "well that definitely new and weird, what do you watch before you go to bed?" she laughed, I hit her in the arm. "ooowww!! what was that for? that hurt you know?" she gave me her cry baby face and I laughed. looking down i feel like something bad was going to happen...

after spending three hours there, I went home and dad was awake and I thought to myself (lovely, this is going to be great) and walked into the house. "IM HOME!!" I yelled and walked to the fridge, got a soda and leaned against the door frame that lead into the living room. dad looked up with anger permanently glued to his face. "where the hell were you?" he snaps at me. letting out another sigh.

"work, dad. someone has to pay the bill's you know?" I said sarcastically. "I have a job, smart ass" he said with a glare and I looked at him. "no... no you don't, you where fired last week for DRINKING on the job" he got up off the chair he was siting in and got up close. "why do you do this? Kat I try-" 

"oh please, you sit on your ass all the damned time and you don't try a damned thing" i snapped at him, he looked down at my soda and shook his head, walking back to the chair he was sitting in before.

 I shook my head and walked up to my room, changing into a plan grey baggy t-shirt and sleep shorts. jumping into my bed and felling asleep to the sound of dad yelling at the TV...


"could you love a monster?" he asked, his back to me. "you keep saying that your a monster, but I don't see it" i say walking around to face him. he looks away from me. "Kat, me being a vampire is being a monster. I hurt people, sometimes kill them. why do you keep saying im not a monster, when I know I am?" he then looked at me with blood red eyes, that I wasn't so scared this time.

"Sebastian" I stepped close to him and put my arms around his neck and said. "ok, your a monster then" he gave me at look and I smiled. "your my monster, Sebastian" and then he smiled and kissed me and as we kissed I started to taste blood so I pulled back to see blood on Sebastian's face-

I sat up and gasped of breath. I looked down at myself and found I was drenched in sweat... AGAIN!! looking at the clock. it said 3:00 a.m. letting out a loud sigh. "well, he has a name now" I grabbed paper and pin and wrote the name down on paper, so i didn't forget and went to take a shower.

i towel dried my hair and put on a gray fitted t-shirt that had a red skull on it and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. i pulled on my favorite boots that went just above my knee and walked down stairs to the living room to find it empty. dad wasn't here. was he awake? or did he leave for good? "dad, you awake?" no answer "DAD!" I yelled and ran to what used to be his room. nothing so I went to the kitchen.

 nothing he's just gone...



Be Happy Zombies!

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