chapter 45

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" where is she " I was standing in front of the man who raped and killed my finacès parents. the only thing stopping me from killing him is that I know sweets wouldn't want me too. 

" well the last time i seen her she was running into my knife its sad actually because that's know how i intended to kill her I was going to f-" i had enough i ran at him and hit him the face knocking him into the ground. he got off the ground and swung back at me hitting me dead in the jaw, i grabbed my face and charged at I'm knocking him into the wall getting a good punch  and held him by the neck suffocating him i was going to kill him. He pulled his leg up and hit me in the groin. I let go and fell to the ground, shit that hurt. He punched me in the face blow after blow. he suddenly stopped and turned around and pulled out a gun. Fuck. 

" you really thought you could save her YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF TRASH" he yelled at me and waved the gun in my face. 

" your need help ass " 

" your in no right to call me an asshole who's the one waving a gun in your face about to blow out your face.. hmm.. let me think .. oh that would be me " he laughed and cocked the gun i closed my eyes

" i love you Annabel " i whispered. BANG.

" I opened my eyes and collin collapsed on the floor i turned my head and becca was standing in the door frame with a gun. She dropped the gun and broke out to tears, falling down on the floor. 

" Becca " I got up and limped to her picking her up and embracing her in a hug.

" I'm your sister "

" I already know dad told me " I said this triggered something in my mind and i stopped hugging her.

" Anna "

" i called 911 already there on there way but adam I cant stay i have to go if i stay they'll lock me up and i can't have that " she looked me in the eyes

" Mom and dad will pay for your bail everything will be okay i promise " That moment i could hear the sirens. She shook her head 

" no " she walked away and slipped out the window. 

high class stripperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ