Chapter 12

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I couldn't believe it, I sat there in shock not believing what my phone showed me.

" hello this is Adam rocklow, I'm calling for Bethany hammer.....yes.....tell her it's urgent.......I don't care if she's on a god damn lunch break but her on the phone now............Bethany I need a favor, I need to look up if a Colin" he looks up at me. " swinger his lasts name swinger I say still looking at my phone.

" Collin swinger....... Tell me if he's been let out of jail for murder.................................yep okay got it I owe you one " he gets off the phone and clears his throat. I snap out of my daze

" well..." I wished it wasn't true.

" it's true he's been let out for good behavior, I'm so sorry sweets I'll do everything in my power to protect you " he reached out to my hands and grabbed them, I started sobbing I couldn't believe it the man who ruined my life was out into the free world and god knows what he will do. I start crying even more. Adam comes to the other side of the table and pulls me into a hug, I sob into his shirt.

" everything will be okay I promise " he rubs my hair and rocks gently soothing me.

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