Chapter 24

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wrote it in math and journalism class

Nara POV
I tried not to think about Jeanna, but it still bugged me. I decided to ask Jimin about it.

"Hey, Jimin, how do you and Jeanna know each other?" I asked.

"Oh. About that. My dad and her dad wanted us to marry each other. We both didn't want a forced marriage, so we rebelled and it worked. Right now, we're just friends," Jimin explained.

"Didn't she say something about you talking about me?" I laughed.

"Um, yeah," he looked awkward, "I told her about how I liked a girl, aka you. Never mentioned your name though."

"I see. Jeanna is a bit weird. She was staring at me like she hated me," I said.

"You're just being paranoid. Jeanna would never do that," Jimin reassured me.

"Alright.. I'll trust you on that."

Just then, the doorbell rang. I got up to open the door and there stood Jeanna. Speak of the devil. She wore a red dress with black heels. I had to admit she was very pretty.

"Hi Jeanna, Jimin's inside," I greeted.

I expected her to at least say hi back, but no. She just sauntered to Jimin. I scoffed. Talk about rude. What did I ever do to her?

"Jimin," Jeanna shrilled, "want to go out for a bit?"

"Huh? Why?" Jimin asked.

"Why not? Am I not allowed to go out with my friend and talk?" She shot me a look.

"Jimin, you should go," I muttered through gritted teeth.

If she wanted to take him out then let her. As long as she doesn't try anything, that is.

I headed back to my room and played on my phone.

Jimin POV
Nara had went back in her room. That meant I was stuck with Jeanna. I wanted to stay home, but Jeanna was staring into my soul.

"Alright, fine," I bit out.

She smiled, "Yay! Let's go!"

Jeanna took me to a frozen yogurt place and treated me. I got the cookies and cream flavor while she got chocolate. I topped it with popping boba cuz I'm cool like that. The place had really cute spoons, too. I should take Nara here someday. She would definitely love it.

Jeanna leaned her head close to mine. "Silly, you have yogurt on your face," she wiped at it with a napkin.

When she leaned back against the chair, I saw she was blushing. Oh yeah, she kissed me before. Does that mean she likes me? But I don't like her. I shrugged it off and continued eating.

When we finished, Jeanna took me to her place. We hung out, shared some laughs, and ate food. We played games and stuffed chips in our mouths. I'll admit it was fun. I have good taste in friends, right?

Jeanna laughed a genuine smile. "I had a great time, Jimin."

"Me too," I replied. "Ah, it's getting late. I should go home. Nara is probably worried."

Jeanna grabbed my arm. "Forget about Nara. Let's go party."

"Um where?"

"The club, duh."

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