Chapter 9

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Nara POV
That night, I couldn't fall asleep. I kept on rolling around my bed, thinking of how I just ruined Yoongi's life. I really hope we figure out a plan. Until he's positively safe, I will continue to blame myself.

The next day, Jimin called us all up from bed. All of the guys, plus me, were gathered around the living room.

"Okay guys," Jimin started, "we need to figure out a plan asap."

"You guys wait here, I'll go get some of the sacred books from the library in the attic," Jin suggested.

Jin left us to go upstairs. Meanwhile, the rest of us faced each other and tried to come up with an idea.

"Why do you think someone would sell vampire blood in steak?" Taehyung asked.

"I've been hearing rumors of a vampire uprising. Maybe they're trying to overthrow demons," Namjoon said.

"If that's true," Jimin replied, "how are we going to fight them? We barely know anything about vampires."

"So..." I started, "only vampires can drink other vampires' blood right? Then why don't we get another vampire to like, I don't know, suck out the vampire blood from Yoongi?"

"You're forgetting," Yoongi replied, "even for vampires, drinking another vampire's blood is a sin. Where are we going to find a vampire willing to do that?"

"Maybe.. Talia can help.." Jungkook suggested.

Everyone turned to stare at him.

"Talia? Like... Our Talia?" Hoseok quietly muttered.

Before Jungkook could answer his question, Jin came back down.

"Guys, I may have found something useful," Jin said, wide-eyed.

He was holding a brown, dusty book. The cover was old, and the pages were uneven and stuck out.

Jin opened the book to a marked page.

"Look at this," he pointed to a paragraph on the book.

"When a non-vampire drinks vampire blood, they become cursed until a vampire helps get the blood out of their system. The curse keeps the person from using their powers. Furthermore, vampires will be attracted to the cursed person," Yoongi read aloud.

"Woah, what kind of a book is this?" Taehyung asked.

"I think it's a guide on vampires, written by Xian," Jin explained.

"Who's Xian?" I asked, confused.

"Talia's boyfriend," Namjoon said.

"And that is?"

Taehyung sighed, "Talia was Jimin's old slave. Xian was Jungkook's old slave. They gradually grew closer and then fell in love. Xian got tired of being a slave. He and Talia made a deal with Michael, the vampire prince. Michael helped the two escape from Jimin and Jungkook, and in return, Michael turned Xian and Talia into vampires. And now they are still together."

"Do you think Talia would help Yoongi?" I wondered.

"I don't know, but we can try," Yoongi answered.

(A/N: Ahh I'm sorry, this is so short! This chapter might've been a bit confusing. Ask any questions you have!)

And taffysuga22 didn't I tell you not to read my story?

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