Warm Welcome II (Alternative Ending)

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"You do know we're one short," Bilbo said and looked around as we walked to the boat set for us to take to the Lonely Mountain. "Where's Bofur?"

Thorin looked away from Bilbo, ahead of him. "If he's not here, we leave without him."

Balin nodded. "We must reach the mountain before nightfall, and before that we must reach the gate."

The Dwarves began boardin the boat, and Thorin helped me on. He stopped Kili. "Kili, not you. You must travel with full speed. You will slow us down." 

I blinked as I looked at Thorin. 

Kili grinned. "What are you talking about? I'm coming with you?" 

Thorin loaded a few weapons onto the boat. "No."

Fili stepped forward as Thorin and Kili stared at each other.

Kili moved closer to Thorin. "I'm going to be there when that door is open. When we first journeyed here that is what I promised."

Thorin pulled Kili aside. "Kili, stay here. Rest, recover, join us when you're healed."

My eyes widened as I noticed how pale Kili was. "Kili..."

How did that happen?

Thorin smiled and got onto the boat. Kili's brows crashed.

"I'll stay with the lad." Oin got off the boat. "My guilt lies with the wounded."

Fili stepped forward. "Uncle, remember the tales you told us. You are the one that told him the tales of the mountain. You cannot take that away from him."


"I will carry him if I must."

"One day, when you are king, you will understand," Thorin said calmly. "We cannot risk the sake of this quest on the life of one Dwarf, not even my own kin."

Fili's brows crashed together, and he stepped off the boat.

"Fili, don't." Thorin grabbed Fili's arm. "You belong with the company." 

"I belong with my brother." Fili shoved Thorin off and walked toward Kili.

I looked at Thorin with wide eyes, and he turned to me. He simply stared at me for a moment and stepped onto the boat, slowly. I took a deep breath and faced forward in the direction of the mountain.

Thorin stood beside me. "We must go."

I stared at Kili as Thorin passed me. "Not with me." I stepped off the boat.

There were loud horns sounding in song as the master of Laketown saw us off. He was probably making a grand speach, but the fanfare that was playing was too loud. I was distracted anyway. I half-mindedly waved at the towns people that waved good-bye as we sailed away.

I sighed and faced forward, looking at the mountain, looking at the uncertainty that lied ahead. I swallowed and looked down at my sword. I thought about this whole adventure. I hadn't really used a sword. I was probably no good at it either. I stared at my reflection in the water.

Bofur ran in, looking our faces over. He saw the boat was gone. He looked at us with relief. "Oh. You missed the boat too!"

I paused, looking at Kili.

AN: Dear readers, I am very sorry that Bofur's last line on this page is not the actual line, but I could not find the script. I apologise. At the same time, I am sure you are confused. "Alternative Ending?" Well, there is a girl by the username Noble Ghost, and she requested what and how I would write Bre's story if she had stayed with the Dwarves. And so, I have decided to write that story. As I do not get many brilliant ideas for the one shots, I hope to update this alternative side of the story as much as possible. How often? I do not know, but thank you for reading this. I hope you will enjoy it.

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