Flies and Spiders

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I looked all around me as we continued walking through the dark forest. The sunlight was disappearing and the forest seemed dead and yet full of life with it's dull colored leaves. Their orange colors weren't bright, but in a strange way they were. However, some of the trees looked the same as ones before.

"We should turn around." Caleniel stopped and stared at Thorin. "We are losing the sun, and we still have much to walk before reaching our destination."

"We do not have time to turn around." Thorin glared at her. "The orcs may already be on this path and our ways could cross."

"We do not have time to walk in circles. They could easily catch us this way too." Caleniel's brows furrowed.

Thorin turned away and continued leading us. He kicked a pine cone out of his way. "The path leads this way." He turned to Caleniel. "We may not have needed you at all." He walked to lead.

Caleniel sighed and continued walking.

I walked by her side. "If you know we're on the wrong path, why do you let us keeping walking?"

"Because standing still will hurt more than walking around. Arguing with this Dwarf will not listen, and none of the other Dwarves will listen so long as their leader does not. However, I must stay with you as the only way you will all reach the mountain is if I reason with my kin." Caleniel looked at me. "Without me, my kin may not think twice."

"Why would they kill us," I asked. "The Elves in Rivendell did not."

"I never mentioned being killed." Caleniel stayed silent. "That is not what my king would want with you."

"Wait. So do these other Elves dislike Dwarves?"

"Is it not clear," Kili asked me. "Elves hate Dwarves. They dislike us because they think we are greedy pieces of dirt that lie with nothing more than the ambition of mining for gold."

Caleniel's eyes looked up for a moment. She looked at Kili. "Not all Elves are the same. If we run into my kin and you are to see my king, you will know why he would have you all caged without a second thought."

"Why would he cage us," Bilbo asked. "I thought Beorn said the Elves would kill them."

Dwalin glared at Caleniel. "Does he wish to torture us for sport? Give us a fate worse than death?"

Caleniel shook her head. "Beorn simply said my kin do not like their kin, and I doubt Lord Thranuil would do such a thing to this company. Any other, he may."

Thorin turned back toward us. "And why exactly would your king cage us if not for torture or death?"

Caleniel stared at Thorin with fierce eyes, saying nothing for a long moment.

"As I thought." Thorin glared. "Now, ELF... if you would not share with my company why your king would cage us, why would I, or any of my company, trust you?"

Caleniel took a firm step forward. "I will answer you the way I did to Gandalf. I am here to assure you pass through Mirkwood and are able to leave to reach the mountain."

"And why should I trust that? What are you to Thranduil?"

Caleniel remained silent.

"Gandalf trusts her." Everyone turned to Bilbo. He looked at everyone and then to Thorin. "He-he said she would help us. Doesn't that mean... we should trust her? She said it herself. She's here to make sure we make it through."

Thorin walked toward Bilbo. "Tell me, Master Baggins, is Gandalf here?"

Bilbo paused and his brows furrowed. "N-no."

The Desolation of Smaug (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن