Barrels Out of Bond I

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We crossed over a bridge to some sort of castle built into the mountain. The Elves gave me confused glares as we were taken into the castle. They whispered among themselves, probably about me. The gates closed behind us, and we walked over several tree roots for paths and bridges till we reached our individual prison cells.

The red-headed Elf girl pushed Kili into a cell as she held me by my arm.

Kili turned to her. "Aren't you going to search me?"

The Elf paused at him. My eyes widened in surprise. Why would he tell her he has a weapon?

"I could have anything down my trousers," Kili said. I quickly frowned at what Kili was alluding to.

"Or nothing." She closed the prison door, giving Kili a long stare.

I let out a half laugh, half snarl at her. She pushed me into my cell, next to Kili's cell, and walked away.

"What was that about," I quietly asked the Elf girl.

"What it sounded like." She smiled and closed the prison door. "It's best you remain silent, Dwarf. " She walked away quickly.

I glared at her as I pressed myself against my prison cell door.

Legolas stopped her, with Caleniel by his side, and spoke to her in Elvish, looking at Kili. She replied back angrily in Elvish, pausing and replying again. Caleniel's eyes widened as her mouth was agape, and Legolas spoke again. The Elf girl walked away, and Legolas narrowed his eyes at Kili. I stuck my tongue out at Legolas, but he didn't see me I figured.

Caleniel stepped in front of Legolas and said something in Elvish. Legolas shook his head as he replied in Elvish. Caleniel then yelled in Elvish. Legolas simply looked away as he replied quietly.

"Legolas, listen!" Caleniel sighed heavily with furrowed brows. "She is no Dwarf. She has nothing to do with their company!"

"And what?" Legolas's brows furrowed. "I let her go, and she frees the Dwarves because they have been her friends since she arrived?"

"Going on a journey with them does not mean she is a part of their company."

"Does it not?" Legolas looked at Caleniel.

Caleniel simply stared at Legolas as a few of the Dwarves pressed themselves against the doors of their cells.

"Why do you wish her to be free?" Legolas looked at me, and I blinked. "Is she your friend?"

"You cannot be a friend to someone who hates you."

"However true that may be, you are an Elf, but you were with them. Why?"

Caleniel stayed silent.

"Are you going to try and free them?"

Caleniel stayed silent again, and my eyes widened.

"Does that not make you a part of their company?"

Caleniel stepped back. "And what if it does?"

Legolas blinked and paused, lowering his eyes. "Then perhaps my father is right to favor Tauriel over you. We've been friends since we could remember, and now I see why nothing could come of it."

Caleniel's eyes widened, but she looked strong. "What do you mean?"

Legolas looked away, staying silent for a moment.

"Either way, I need to speak to your father."

"What for? To free them?"

Caleniel glared. "They've come all this way to..."

The Desolation of Smaug (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें