I Will Never Forget You (Corpse Party, Naomi x Seiko)

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(Author's Note: This will contain spoilers from Corpse Party, so please read later if you wish to avoid said spoilers. Also, if something in this is contradicted in one of the games, I apologize, as I only have a rough timeline and general ideas from some of the games, as I haven't played all of them.)

Naomi sat in her bed, sobbing. 

Naomi sat sobbing, in her bed. Before this all happened, she would have thought of this as pathetic, but after what happened, she couldn't help it.  This was the time Naomi would get a phone call just to say hi and talk, but now the caller is gone. 


Her best friend. The one she loved more than anyone else. She had always had a crush on the girl, but more than anything, she was her best friend. Her root. The one she could always vent to, the one she could laugh at without feeling guilty, the one she shared everything with. But that was before Heavenly Host. Everything was great until Ayumi suggested they do the Sachiko Ever After Charm. 

Why? Why did they agree? It was so sketchy, but I guess since Mayu was leaving. But now, Mayu, Seiko, and some of the others were all gone. 

"Seiko," Naomi mumbled, tears streaming down her face, breathing hitched. She wiped some snot from her nose, as she continued to sob into her pillow. Just then her mom came into her room.

"Again, Naomi? You really need to cut this out, I understand being a teenager is hard, but this needs to stop. You do this everyday," she said, the frustration in her voice clear.

"Seiko," Naomi wailed again.

"Naomi, I don't know who you're talking about, but it's time you stop," her mother replied before leaving her room and closing the door. That was another part of the problem. No one except those who survived Heavenly Host understood. They thought we were insane. They thought we were making up random people. They never knew they even existed. Seiko was like a part of my family, but now no one remembers that. Not even her family.

'I just don't understand why this had to happen to us,' Naomi thought. 'I don't know what's going to happen or how I'll get over the one person in the world who was most important to me, but I do know one thing. No matter what, I'll never forget you, Seiko. Never, even if everyone else does. If everyone else calls me crazy. I won't care. Because, Seiko, you're the one person I loved more than everyone else. I will love you, Seiko Shinohara, forever and always.'

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