Help me... Please... (Hetalia, Prussia x Canada)

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(Author's Note: The bold text will be Gilbert and the italicized text will be Matthew, so you can tell the difference. One text will be underlined, meaning it's sent by both people. If that sounds confusing, you might understand better as you read on.)

It was a normal day for Alfred. That was, until he got a text from one of his friends, Gilbert.

'I saw Matthew today'

Alfred wasn't sure of what to respond to this. His brother Matthew and his boyfriend for two years, Gilbert, broke up a two months ago. As much as he didn't want to take sides, he always sympathized more with Matthew than Gilbert, as he was his brother.

He decided to just respond to it later, and went back to playing his game, before his phone buzzed again. He sighed while looking down at the screen, surprised to see it was a text from his brother.

'I saw him today,' was all it read.

Surprised, he debated what to say, before he got another text from Gilbert.

'It seems like it's been forever'

Once again, he debated how to respond, but was interrupted by a text from Matthew.

'I wonder if he still cares'

After realizing neither had the intention of stopping soon, he waited for both to finish what they had to say.

'He looks better than before'

'I couldn't stop staring at him'

'I asked how things are going'

'I asked about his new boyfriend'

'I'd have picked him over any guy'

'He's probably really happy now'

'I can't even look at him without crying'

'He couldn't even look at me'

'I told him I miss him'

'He told me he misses me. He didn't mean it'

'I meant it'

'He doesn't mean it'

'I love him'

'He loves his new boyfriend now'

'I held him for the last time'

'He gave me a friendly hug'

'Then I went home and cried'

'I cried as soon as I got to my car'

'I lost him'

'I still love him'

And then simultaneously, the same text, from two people was received.

'Help me... Please, Alfred'

Shocked, Alfred reread the messages over and over. He couldn't believe that had just happened. But he knew what he had to do now. Help them, just as they asked.

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