When I go to open the door, the radio in the kitchen begins blaring 'Summer Lovin'' from Grease, which is a movie I did not miss when I moved away from Regina. She watches it all the time. She's the only person I know that actually likes Grease. I walk out of the bathroom and straight to the kitchen. Regina, Caspar, and Joe are all crowding inside the small kitchen, singing along with the radio loudly. Joe stops as he catches sight of me and pulls me over to him. I stand between his legs with my back to the counter. He drapes his arms over my shoulders, and I hold his hands in mine.

"You look different in pink." Caspar comments. I give him a small look causing him to hold his hands up in surrender.

"You look hot in pink." Joe says, trying to cheer me up after realizing that I'm not in the happiest mood. I turn my head to kiss him quickly, showing my appreciation. When I turn back to face Regina, he kisses the top of my head. Joe, being the precious thing he is, always feel as if it's his job to make me feel better no matter who is the reason I'm upset.

"Before you say anything, you do look super cute and not too squished." Regina says, turning the radio down.

"I feel super squished." I protest.

"Why don't you wear the one that you bought in London?" Caspar asks, pulling his cousin's toast out of her hands. She sticks her tongue out at him taunting him further.

"Yeah, I can't. I forgot it in London along with my toothbrush, so I had to use Joe's this morning." I answer to anyone listening.

"You used my toothbrush?" Joe asks, a slight hesitating tone in his voice.

"You stick your tongue down her throat almost every day, Joe. Calm down." Caspar says.

"Okay, gross. Let's not talk about that." I comment. Regina hands me half a slice of toast as Joe nudges me slightly forward so he can get down from the counter.

"I'm going to get my swimming shorts, alright?" He answers my slightly concerned face. I don't want him upset at me over using his toothbrush. When he kisses the side of my head, I know we're okay.

"Come on, Ruby. We can go down to the beach and sunbathe and tan and just feel at home." Regina rambles, pulling on my arm. I squeeze her hand and smile at her.

"It hasn't felt too great over here, has it?" I ask her seriously as Caspar leaves the room to find Joe.

"I've missed you. I don't have anyone to tell anything to. You missed out on an entire boyfriend." Regina answers.

"Why didn't you just tell me over the phone?"

"I knew he'd be gone before you even got to meet him, so I didn't say anything. He actually is, so it doesn't exactly matter. I guess it was more of a fling than anything. He was only in LA for about a month." She shrugs, taking the last drink of the protein shake.

Regina and I wait out on the balcony for the two boys, and when they finally join us, we all begin our down the steps to the sand. By this point, I don't even bring shoes with me. I've gotten used to the hot sand under my feet and between my toes. "I still can't believe you left this to live in London." Joe says, walking next to me. He carries two bottles of water in one hand and keeps the hand closest to me empty, in case I want to hold it.

"I almost can't believe it either. Imagine how different both our lives would be if I didn't move." I respond, hooking my pinkie finger with his instead of holding his hand because of the heat. If I hadn't moved over to the UK, I would definitely still be working at the used book shop just off the pier. It's rarely busy and smells of cigarette smoke, but it gave me a good place to paint and, at night I could get on the roof and look at the stars. I probably wouldn't have a boyfriend because no one in Los Angeles is even halfway appealing after all my failed attempts at love.

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