"Oli, it's okay. I'm alright." I mumble, stretching out all my limbs before getting up. "Is Caspar gone, too?" I ask. Oli nods quickly before scratching at the back of his head.

"Joe and I are filming today, so he called me round early to watch after you while he is out." Oli answers. I nod my head to show him I understand before sliding into the bathroom. I don't bother to shower or even change, I mean, it's just Oli. Oli never cares what anyone is wearing.

Coming out, I head upstairs to find Oli sitting on the couch on his phone. Oli and I are not super close. We had more of a physical relationship, rather than an emotional one. We enjoy each other's presence, but that's about it. Going into a conversation between Oli and I could get really iffy, really fast. We could probably text for hours, but face-to-face communications is just not our thing. I feel like this is how most of my relationships start off.

I sit down next him, kicking my feet up on the coffee table. I fiddle with my nose piercing, finally having put my hoop back in. I really just need to get more hoops and ditch my stud altogether since it only ever bothers me.

"How is everything with Joe? I heard you had a bit of a..." Oli lets his sentence trail off before I answer him.

"We're fine. A big misunderstanding that I still need to talk to Jack about. I think it's actually benefited our relationship in someway. Trust, maybe?" I ramble. This is why conversations between Oli and I go nowhere. We're both just completely awkward. I normally wouldn't be, but Oli gets so awkward that it just affects my mood, making me very awkward as well.

"That's good. I'm glad you worked it out. You're good for each other." It's such a weird thing to say, but I've heard it so much. It's always been that way, since I first came over here. Everyone is telling Joe and I that we would be the best together. So far, it has seemed like we are.

"Yeah. We don't fight a lot. This was like, our second fight? Well, I mean, we argue a lot, but it never goes anywhere." If you counted getting in small arguments, like bickering back and forth as fighting, then Joe and I fight a lot. It's almost to the point that when that happens, we don't even apologize for getting mad anymore because we automatically know that it's going to be fine.

Actual fights, though, take a lot more apologizing. Especially the last one we had. I've been back home for a day now, today is my second day. After we came back the first day, it was almost silent in the house. Caspar was gone, and that left Joe and I alone together. Neither of us tried to talk to the other. We both felt like we had cleared the air at Zoe and Alfie's, but I still feel like something else should be said. I don't know what, though.

Yesterday we just slept all day. That's pretty much all we did, and I think it was something that we both definitely needed. It gave us a way where we could just enjoy each other's presence, without feeling pressured to have to say something about the situation at hand.

"It's okay, but I mean, it's not the absolute best it could be. We're still kind of iffy. I don't know. I'm sure it's fine, it just feels kind of weird. So, I guess we aren't technically fine, but we're alright." I tell him honestly. Oli is like Zoe. I subconsciously know that I can trust him, he just has to pull it out of me.

"I'm sure you can work it out eventually." Oli does not ramble when he is nervous, and I wish I shared that trait.

"If we don't eventually work the entire thing out pretty soon, Regina or Caspar or Zoe will probably step in and fix it for us." Caspar told Regina almost immediately after he found out about it. Regina has already threatened to clear the air multiple times. I don't know how she expected to fix it, but she's told me about three times that if we don't work it completely out by Friday, which is tomorrow, she's stepping in. I guess tonight we get to talk about it. Great.

"Bloody hell, I'll step in. Joe's been complaining a lot." Oli says. It's always strange to hear about these little things that Joe says. Whether he's complaining about me, or bragging - that's a really bad word to use - about me. Despite him always telling them not to tell me, someone always will. "I'm sure it's going to be fine, though. It's going to take a lot more than something like that to taint your relationship."

Before I can answer, I hear the front door open and turn to see Joe coming inside. He's holding a couple bags from the grocery store in one hand and his wallet in the other. I see something sticking out of the top of his wallet, but I don't ask what it is. "Good morning, Ruby." He says, pecking my forehead as he leans over the back of the couch after tossing the bag on the counter.

"Hey, babe." I say, taking his phone as he hands it to me. When I look at it, I see my best friend's smiling face on the screen. "Reg, what are you doing?" I ask her.

"I've just been talking with Joe about some things. I wanted to see you." Regina answers.

"Isn't it almost two in morning over there?" She nods quickly, yawning as she does so. "The talk must've been important." I look over at Joe where he stands right next to me.

"I called her actually." He explains. I feel like Regina and Joe are getting closer since I've moved over here, and it makes me really happy to see that.

"Is that Oli?" Regina asks, trying to change the topic of conversation. I'm pretty sure that Regina has met at least half of the buttercream squad. Jack, Conor, and Mikey are probably the only ones she has never talked to before.

"What's up, Regina?" He greets as I hold the phone for her to see him. I hand him the phone as they begin their own conversation about something in one of his vlogs. Now that I'm over here, Regina has started watching all of the boys vlogs and videos, checking up on me every chance she gets. Standing from the couch, I follow Joe into the kitchen to help put away the few groceries. As soon as he notices his wallet out on the counter, he shoves it into his back pocket.

I have a feeling whatever he called Regina about, also has to do with his wallet. I usually wouldn't make that big of a deal out of it, but they look so unnatural that I just can't place what they are.

When I go to ask Joe, he fumbles around with his words before telling me, "You'll find out later, love. Don't worry about it." I try not to, but I just can't help it. I just worry about everything; a habit I definitely need to break.

I sit in the corner of Joe's room while him and Oli film. They both constantly try to drag me into the video, but I never actually comply. At the end, Joe basically forces me to sit on his bed with them for his outro, so I sit between the two. I had been making smart remarks throughout the entire video, so I guess technically I was in it. YouTube is still a really weird thing for me to get used to. Now every time I pull up YouTube, my face is looking back up at me from a thumbnail of Joe or an Awkward Advice video I did with Jack that I refuse to watch.

But I'll get there one day, for Joe's sake.

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