26.) the unhappy boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"Go on." She mutters.

"When I texted you at seven to tell that the meeting was running late, it actually was. We had to get some paper work done, and the computers were working like absolute shit. It took nearly an hour to do that, and then the crew that I was there with dragged me out to that little pub because they always go have drinks when Caspar is around, but since it was me and not him, they thought I should be let in on the tradition. I was already basically drunk when the blonde came around to talk to me."

"She was not even blonde. Her hair was dyed. Did you not see her ugly auburn roots?" Ruby interrupts, making me laugh.

"She was talking to me, and I was trying to engage in some sort of conversation because I had been literally left mainly alone for most of the hour, and I was just about to grab a car out of there when she came to talk to me. She started talking about how she was a fan of mine and everything. I didn't -" She cuts me off again before I can say anything else to her.

"Wait, wait, wait. Why weren't you answering me? If you were just at a bar, you should've been able to text me." She says.

"My phone died. I didn't have any charge until after I got kicked out of the bar for being punched. Luckily the cab I got had a charger inside. That's when I began calling and texting you." I pick at the skin around my fingernails, which is a habit I didn't have until I saw Ruby doing it.

"Funny. I haven't read any of them." I didn't expect her to, and I can't blame her. It would've been nice if she would've answered, so we could've already worked through this, and we both could've got adequate sleep.

"I did not kiss her." I stress. "She asked for a picture, and while I thought she was looking for her phone, she caught me as off-guard as she caught you. She doesn't kiss anything like you, but you are the first thing that popped in my head. Like, as soon as she did it, all I could see was your face and I could feel your slightly rough hand on my cheek, rather than her soft, dainty one.

"I didn't pull away because it was you. Somewhere in the very small sober part of my brain, I knew that it wasn't you. But in the very large drunk part of my brain, I just fully imagined that it was you. But when I felt her pin-straight hair, and placed my hand on her hip but didn't feel the scar, I knew it wasn't you. I pushed myself far away from her, causing quite of a scene as I began cussing her out for what she did, even after knowing that I had a girlfriend because I told her at least three times. Then Jack found me a bit later and punched me probably the hardest he's ever punched anyone." I finish. I sit there for a small second, waiting for her to say something back to me.

Instead of saying something, the younger girl opens the door, causing me to hit my head on the ground roughly as I stare up at her. She laughs quietly, and seeing her smiling makes me instantly happy.

"I still think that you are somewhat of an ass, but not as much." She says. She lays down next to me, placing her head on my chest.

"That's what I strive for." I reply sarcastically. I smooth down her black hair, loving how familiar the slight waves feel beneath my hand. "So, where does this leave us?" I ask cautiously, very scared of her answer.

"I'm not ready to call it quits." Ruby says. I sigh of relief, not releasing I had been holding in my breath as I waited for her answer. "Wow, okay. Jesus. Calm down, Sugg." She laughs.

"It's just... the thought of you still being in reach of me, but I couldn't be with you, touch you, kiss you. I don't ever want that, Ruby." I mutter.

"Why did you make it my decision, then?" She asks, picking at the zipper of my jacket.

"Because I know how I feel, but if you didn't feel the same, I wasn't going to beg you to stay with me. I don't want you to ever feel pressured to stay with me, if you don't want to."

"Why are you the sweetest boyfriend I've ever had?" She sits up to look at me, and I pull myself up as well. We lean against opposite sides of the doorway, still close enough for her to gently run her fingers around my eye. "You got a good one, didn't you?" She mumbles.

"Yeah, it hurt like hell." I answer her honestly. There would be no use in trying to pretend that it didn't hurt me because Ruby already knows me too well. "You're probably going to have to call him and tell him we're alright."

"Yeah, he's been texting me since last night. Both him and Conor have." She answers. "I haven't answered anyone. Zoe answered the call from Conor yesterday, about you getting punched."

"Caspar really freaked out when I came home with a black eye, saying that I didn't know where you were." I tell her, finally noticing her Caspar Lee shirt that I didn't even know that she had. She's also got one of Caspar's jackets over the shirt. It's so weird to see my girlfriend in someone else's clothes after seeing her in mine for so long. "Conor finally answered my call and told me where you had ended up."

"I'm glad your sister likes me now." She says before sneezing. I see Zoe holding a squirming Nala in her arms as she carries her to the guest room.

"Sorry, Ruby. I thought you were still locked up in our bedroom." She apologizes, quickly closing Nala inside the room. The younger girl sneezes a few more times, trying to stop herself.

"It's fine, Zo." Ruby answers, sniffling before standing up. I follow her lead, standing up after her, running a hand through my hair in attempt to get it out of my face. "Thank you so much for letting me stay for the night."

"I would hug you, but I probably smell like Nala." My sister says, reaching out to squeeze one of Ruby's hands. Ruby takes the lead down stairs, but before I can follow, Zoe grabs my arm and stops me.

"You're my little brother, and I'm always going to love you to death, but don't you ever pull something like that again. Joe, she's a time bomb. She's probably my favorite girl you've ever let me meet, but she goes off sometimes. One time she is going to be pushed too far. It might be because of you, it might be because of someone else, but it's bound to happen sometime. I'm so scared what is going to happen, but I know you've seen how she looks when she wakes up. The fear in her eyes is unimaginable. I'd hate to see that fear put to use." Zoe mutters quickly.

I wish I could say that I think she's wrong, but I know she's right. It's almost like when Regina told me she was like a small child. Even though she thinks that she can take care of herself, she can't. But that's exactly why I'm here; so she can believe that she's looking after herself, but I'm always there to help her with anything she needs me to.

I follow Ruby out of the door, where she immediately grabs me in a tight hug. "Thanks for coming for me." She whispers.

"I told you I wouldn't give up on you." I remind her, pulling her as close as I can.

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